UTS:QSI has one paper accepted to POPL 2018
A paper "Algorithmic Analysis of Termination Problems for Quantum Programs" by Mingsheng Ying (coauthored with Dr. Yangjia Li, a CQSI alumni) was accepted for the 45th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'2018). POPL is the premier forum for fundamental innovations in the area of programming languages, and this year it accepted 66 papers out of 271 submissions. In this paper, an algorithmic solution to the termination analysis problem for quantum programs is proposed, by introducing the notion of ranking super-martingale and by employing the Gleason theorem in quantum foundations. The paper is a continuation of Mingsheng's POPL'2017 paper "Invariants of quantum programs: characterisations and generation" (coauthored with Dr. Shenggang Ying, a UTS:QSI member, and Dr. Xiaodi Wu).