Seeing the unseen value of water and taking on humanity’s greatest challenges.

The Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) researchers will be participating in several sessions at World Water Week 2022 online and in Stockholm. This event is the leading conference on global water issues and is the place to explore new ways of managing water and tackle humanity’s greatest challenges.
ISF researchers will be presenting and facilitating several sessions over the week across a variety of WASH topics. The sessions ISF are involved in are below:

Mobilising actions for accelerating universal access to safely managed sanitation
Tuesday 23 August
9:00-10:20pm AEST
The progress towards universal access to safely managed sanitation is alarmingly off track and it is estimated that efforts need to be quadrupled to achieve the set target by 2030. This session aims at showcasing actions required to promote and achieve universal access to safely managed sanitation.
Convenors: UTS | United Nations Children’s Fund | United Nations Human Settlements Programme | LIXIL | World Bank Group | World Health Organization
Wednesday 24 August
7:30-8:50pm AEST
Building resilient communities, systems and economies means starting where change needs to happen – with people. In this session, Water for Women will share examples of how changing harmful norms is critical to ending inequalities, creating inclusive systems, and enabling equitable access to, and use of, sustainable water and WASH services.
Convenors: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs | UTS | iDE | Plan International | SNV Netherlands Development Oragnisation | Water for Woman | WaterAid
Thursday 25 August
3:00-4:20pm AEST
Without improved progress on urban sanitation, we risk compromising valuable water resources, both groundwater and surface water, particularly in the face of climate change. This session highlights state-of-the-art knowledge on interactions between sanitation systems and urban water cycles, charting the way forward for services that meet human and environmental imperatives.
Convenors: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | United Nations Children’s Fund | University of Bristol| University of Cape Town | University of Dhaka | University of Leeds | University of Technology Sydney | World Health Organization
Thursday 25 August
9:00-10:20pm AEST
In a world where the impending risks of climate change press daily, a twofold reality presents itself – while women are disproportionately affected by climate change, they are uniquely situated to lead efforts in response. This session aims to collect recommendations for further cultivating women’s untapped potentials as heart of resilience.
Convenors: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center | Centre for Social Planning And Administrative Development | Simavi | Stockholm Environment Institute | WaterAid
Thursday 25 August
11:30pm-12:50am AEST
Citizen Participation in the decision-making process is a key lever to ensure progress in the water and sanitation sector, as well as the achievement of SDG 6. Through the voices of stakeholders from civil society, institutions and academia, this session aims to bring together positive experiences and inspiring tools to achieve inclusive water and sanitation services, while reflecting on the challenges and the conditions for active and meaningful participation in decision-making processes, at local, national and international levels.
Convenors: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center | Centre for Social Planning And Administrative Development | Simavi | Stockholm Environment Institute | WaterAid
Sunday 28 August
6:00-7:20pm AEST
Recognising the need to incorporate more women and diversity within the sector, this session will explore the lived experiences, biases, challenges and opportunities that young professionals face while entering or working in the sector.
Convenors: drinkPani | Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney | International Water Association | Netherlands Water Partnership | Water Youth Network | World Bank Group
Tuesday 30 August
6:00-7:20pm AEST
History shows that rapid advances in safely managed sanitation have come through professionally managed and regulated services. Yet, in many places, no one has the formal responsibility for regulating sanitation services, or mandates are unclear... This session will present promising regulatory and accountability models and discuss pathways for scaling success.
Convenors: Association of Regulators of Water and Sanitation of the Americas | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | Eastern and Southern Africa Water and Sanitation Regulators Association | International Water Association | University of Technology Sydney | Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor | World Health Organization
Thursday 1 September
11:00am-12:30pm CEST
The session will zoom in on water data, decisions and end-users in LMIC and LIC countries. Building on experiences in citizens’ science and participatory simulation, it will discuss engagement of users in both monitoring and decision making about water in their areas and introduce the concept of collective informed choice.
Convenors: Deltares | Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney | SNV Netherlands Development Organisation | WaterAid
ISF is also hosting two Twitter live chats to answer questions about World Water Week. Join in on the conversation @UTSISF with the hashtag #UTSISFWASH and #WWWeek.
- Session one: 7pm AEST 24 August
- Session two: 7pm AEST 25 August