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Unlocking the value of organics in Western Sydney Parklands

A blurry woman is running through Australian bush.

NSW Circular engaged ISF to develop a high-level economic and environmental analysis of the the opportunity to accept and process organic waste (such as food waste or fats, oil and greases) at the Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre (AWRE). The centre, which is currently in construction, will service the growing Western Parkland City and the new Western Sydney International Airport.

Processing organic waste from residential and commercial sectors would generate energy and nutrients, it would stimulate the economy and create jobs, and would reduce the carbon footprint of organic waste.

The results of this study were presented by Sydney Water Managing Director Roch Cheroux at the Committee for Economic Development of Australia's event 'Why a circular economy makes good cents?' on 7 April 2022.


  • 2022


  • Sydney


  • NSW Circular


  • Sydney Water