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We undertake evaluations, assessments and support effective monitoring and evaluation for WASH programs and wider sector monitoring systems.

PROJECT | 2023-2024

Selecting options for water and sanitation technologies in health-care facilities

ISF was commissioned by the World Health Organisation to develop guidance on selection of appropriate water and sanitation technology options for health-care facilities in the Western Pacific Region. The outputs include a guidance document with a decision-making framework, as well as two supporting documents – a literature review on current and emerging technologies and a background document on status and context of water and sanitation technologies in health-care facilities in the Western Pacific Region.

PROJECT | 2021-2023

Self-supply water services in Asia and the Pacific

ISF, in partnership UNICEF (EAPRO and ROSA), developed 21 country factsheets providing an overview of self-supplied water services across Asia and the Pacific. These factsheets profile the prevalence of self-supply, spatial and temporal trends, service levels including water quality and availability, equity dimensions, and policy aspects of self-supply in each country.

PROJECT | 2021-2022

Monitoring safely managed services Water for Women Learning Agenda

ISF is coordinating an activity to reflect on and compile case studies concerning monitoring ‘safely managed’ water and sanitation services across civil society organisations and research partners in the Water for Women Fund.

PROJECT | 2020-2021

Mutual accountability in multi-stakeholder partnerships in WASH

ISF co-led research on Sanitation and Water for All (SWA)’s Mutual Accountability Mechanism (MAM). This research was conducted as a partnership across the SWA Research and Learning Constituency.


Location: Indonesia, Bangladesh, Kenya, Somalia, Peru, Burkina Faso

Client: Sanitation and Water for All (SWA)

Partners: Bangladesh Centre For Advanced Studies Bangladesh, Centre for Regulation, Policy and Governance Indonesia, Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie Burkina Faso, IRC WASH, Stockholm Environment Institute, Somali National University, South Asia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Water Resources Studies

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PROJECT | 2020


ISF collaborated with other sector professionals globally on a publication discussing links between WASH and COVID-19.


Researcher: Juliet Willetts

PROJECT | 2019

Global water, sanitation and hygiene research priorities and learning challenges under Sustainable Development Goal 6

ISF contributed to efforts of the Sanitation and Water for All to develop a global research agenda for SDG 6.


Researcher: Juliet Willetts

PROJECT | 2018-2019

Independent review of the Water and Sanitation Hibah schemes

Incentivising local government and their water supply or sewerage companies to invest and add new household connections to water supply and sewerage is much needed to expand services.


The ‘Hibah’ (Indonesian for ‘grant’) program used a new financing mechanism from central government to local governments that helps achieve this aim.


This independent review examined the effectiveness and sustainability of the Water Hibah, and investigated pathways to improve progress for the Sanitation Hibah. It was deemed a best-practice evaluation by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in terms of its methodology and output.


Location: Indonesia

Client: AusAID // DFAT

Wider program: Water and Sanitation Hibah Program

Researcher: Juliet Willetts

PROJECT | 2018-2019

Evaluation of WaterCredit Project, India

Microfinance is a key pathway to support access to WASH services. This project examined the impact of WaterCredit Project, a water and sanitation microfinance initiative in urban India. The assessment included a large household survey, focus group discussions and interviews with key informants.


Location: India


Researchers: Simone Soeters,  Tim Foster,  Juliet Willetts

PROJECT | 2015-2016

Learning for impact in WASH programming: how civil society organisations learn

Despite the large quantity of information available on good practice in WASH sector, there is a gap in knowing what communications formats work best.


ISF undertook this research for the CS WASH Fund, exploring how civil society organisations learn and improve their WASH programming and practice to align with evidence-based approaches. 


The research identified the most preferred and effective communication materials, formats and mechanisms.


Location: Australia, Asia, Pacific, Africa

Clients: Palladium, AusAID // DFAT

Wider program: Civil Society Organisation WASH Fund

Researchers: Melita Grant,  Janina Murta,  Juliet Willetts

PROJECT | 2011

WASH access and indicator maps

ISF collated information for 52 countries from a range of global databases and presented it in a series of regional maps. The maps show WASH global data – including UNICEF/WHO Joint Monitoring Program data – in various combinations by region (Africa, South Asia and Middle East, Southeast Asia, Pacific).


PROJECT | 2011

WASH sector briefing papers

ISF developed briefing papers for 20 countries to provide baseline information about each country's current (in 2011) situation and WASH sector trends including access, health, governance, climate change and water resources and sector monitoring.


Location: Asia, Pacific

Client: AusAID // DFAT

Researchers: Juliet Willetts,  Naomi Carrard,  Kumi Abeysuriya



WASH Sector Brief: Angola (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Kiribati (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Papua New Guinea (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Bangladesh (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Lao PDR (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Samoa (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Burma (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Malawi (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Solomon Islands (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Cambodia (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: South Africa (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Indonesia (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Nepal (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Sri Lanka (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Mozambique (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Zambia (2011) (Report)  

WASH Sector Brief: Zimbabwe (2011) (Report)

PROJECT | 2008, 2011

ISF organises international WASH conferences

ISF researchers co-organised international conferences with the Australian WASH Reference Group, the International Water Centre and AusAID in both 2008 and 2011, and led authorship of the synthesis reports from these two AusAID supported conferences.


Location: Australia, Asia, Pacific

Clients: International Water Centre, AusAID // DFAT

Partners: International Water Centre, Australian WASH Reference Group

Researcher: Juliet Willetts

Woman at a water pump

PROJECT | 2012-2013

Independent review of Indonesia World Bank Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program and policy facility

ISF led the independent review of the Third Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Project (PAMSIMAS) and the Water Supply and Sanitation Policy Formulation and Action Planning (WASPOLA) Facility, two AusAID-funded initiatives working to strategically, and at a large-scale, address access to water, sanitation and hygiene in Indonesia.


Location: Indonesia

Client: Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)

Woman collecting water in Timor-Leste

PROJECT | 2012

Independent review of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program

ISF conducted an independent review of  Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program Phase 2 (AKA Bee, Saneamentu no Ijiene iha Komunidade or BESIK 2), an AusAID-funded rural water supply and sanitation program in Timor-Leste that provided specialist expertise in gender equality and sustainability of WASH interventions.


Location: Timor-Leste

Client: Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)

PROJECT | 2010-2011

Promoting learning in civil society WASH programming

ISF worked with WaterAid to design, deliver and document three learning events for the Civil Society WASH Fund (2010–2011) that brought together more than 100 practitioners from 21 countries to share experiences and build expertise on sustainable WASH. The following set of documents provides a snapshot of learning event discussions.


The documents are organised around themes that emerged during the learning events, and selected participant stories provide a taste of the many experiences shared through poster presentations and discussions.


Location: Australia, Asia, Pacific

Client: AusAID // DFAT

Partner: WaterAid

Wider program: Civil Society Organisation WASH Fund

Researcher: Juliet Willetts

PROJECT | 2009-2012

Independent evaluation of the Civil Society WASH Fund

ISF led two independent reviews of AusAID's Civil Society WASH Fund (2009–2012), a large-scale program funding civil society organisations in Asia, Pacific and Africa to improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene in poor communities.


Location: Asia, Pacific, Africa

Client: AusAID // DFAT

PROJECT | 2008-2011

NGO partnerships in the WASH sector

Together with the International Water Centre, ISF investigated NGO partnerships, capacity development and state/local government engagement in the WASH sector to inform planning and investment through Australian aid Water and Sanitation Initiative 2008–2011.


Location: Indonesia, Vietnam

Client: AusAID // DFAT

Partner: International Water Centre

Wider program: Water and Sanitation Initiative

Researchers: Juliet Willetts,  Naomi Carrard

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Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

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