Guiding successful adaptation strategies to reduce vulnerability to the effects of climate change while avoiding maladaptation.
Reducing vulnerability to the effects of climate change is complex and interventions run the risk of maladaptation, where outcomes that are more harmful than helpful.
Successful adaptation requires collective action by communities, policy-makers and the business community to choose a careful selection of pathways. An evidence base for fundamental and well-planned change is needed to inform adaptation action and supporting policy.
ISF researchers have a strong grounding in the scientific drivers of climate change and a practical understanding of the impacts of climate change on all sectors of society. As such, we are well equipped to empower government, industry and communities to respond proactively to climate change.
Saving the systems: enabling regional adaptation to climate change
ISF researchers use systems thinking to help guide regional New South Wales to identify and plan for the flow-on effects of climate change.
PROJECT | 2016-2020
Engaging communities and government in biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation in Papua New Guinea
Funded by USAID, this project sought to empower communities in Papua New Guinea to lead their adaptation responses to climate change.
PROJECT | 2015-2016
Ensuring resilience of natural resources to extreme climate events
ISF worked with eight regional and rural communities in NSW understand the impacts of extreme weather on natural resources, and find ways to address them.