Helping communities to cope with the unavoidable impacts of climate change.
Community adaptation is a continuous, dynamic and scalable process. It is the result of many decisions made on a daily basis about things as simple as how to travel to work, whether to recycle household waste, where to locate a factory, whether to live in a small community or seek the advantages of larger population centres, accumulate to set individual trajectories of change being followed by communities throughout the world.
Our research helps individuals, communities, organisations and businesses to build resilience in adapting to changed circumstances, including those brought about by climate change.
PROJECT | 2024
Climate Ready Toolkit for Businesses
Supporting small businesses to adapt to climate change.
PROJECT | 2013-
Adaptive Communities Nodes: preparing for a future in flux
A multi-faceted project impacts policy and empowers communities, businesses and government to meet the effects of climate change head-on.
PROJECT | 2018-2020
Community perceptions of hybrid solar biomass: the potential for social license and social acceptance
Finding out communities' attitudes towards biomass will help to plan renewable energy innovations in the Riverina and Hunter Valley regions.
PROJECT | 2017-2018
Supporting Climate Risk's XDI project through virtual reality and 360 degree video
Using the latest technology to deliver climate adaptation training.
PROJECT | 2015-2019
Climate Adapted People Shelters
Designing bus shelters that will protect our most vulnerable citizens during extreme weather conditions.