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Progressing economies that serve people and planet.

We work in partnership with governments, businesses and the community to advance economic systems and models that promote sustainability, equality and wellbeing for all. A major component of our work is research services to support the implementation of circular economy principles and practices.

PROJECT | 2024

An image displaying an electronic grid and connectivity

Drivers of change: meeting the energy and data demands of AI adoption in Australia and New Zealand

Uncertain about the impact of AI on energy consumption? Turns out that so too are IT managers who are key to AI deployment.

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PROJECT | 2022

Winding river

Corporate Sustainability Review for responsible investor

In 2022, ISF undertook research and review of the sustainability positioning and journey of a large Australian corporation on behalf of a group of responsible investors.

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A close-up photo of a rack of clothes on hangers

PROJECT | 2021-2022

Wellbeing wardrobe

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) commissioned a team from ISF, Erasmus University Rotterdam and Lund University to develop the concept of a 'Wellbeing Wardrobe' – a fashion and textiles industry that is oriented towards a Wellbeing Economy

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A satellite photo of the Earth featuring Australia

PROJECT | 2021

How can we limit global warming to 1.5°C?

ISF researchers have developed energy-related carbon budgets for a sustainable pathway towards 1.5°C.

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Maintenance vehicles on dirt road surrounded by bush

PROJECT | 2019

Understanding the economics of regional adaptation

Knowing to what extent economics influence decision-making can support a drive to transition and build resilience in regional areas.

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e-waste banner

PROJECT | 2013-2019

CSIRO Wealth from Waste Collaboration Cluster: business models for service innovation

The CSIRO commissioned ISF to investigate the current and emerging business models and innovation opportunities of increasing resource efficiency of metal and associated materials. This research also explored the policy ecosystem supporting these new business and employment opportunities.

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World map and words "circular economy"

PROJECT | 2018

Circular economy best practice and application in NSW

Assisting the NSW government with planning a sustainable future by looking at international applications of a circular economy.

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Diagram related to Circular economy planning and mapping for Greater Parramatta and Olympic Peninsula and Lower Hunter

PROJECT | 2019

Circular economy planning and mapping for Greater Parramatta and Olympic Peninsula and Lower Hunter

Guiding major utilities to consider new ways of thinking about water for a more sustainable system.

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Aerial photo of the Hunter Valley

PROJECT | 2018-2019

Circular economy analysis for the Lower Hunter Water System

This study focused on all water, organic waste and energy material flows within the Lower Hunter. It built on previous work ISF completed for Sydney Water, which applied this focus to the Greater Parramatta and the Olympic Peninsular regions in Sydney.


The project explored four scenarios: Business as Usual 2017, Business as Usual 2047, Alternative 2047 and Alternative Plus 2047 (which included potable and non-potable reuse options). These prospective pathways provided Hunter Water staff with an alternative approach to integrating the material flows within the water and waste water system and revealed potential innovations for reducing the freshwater consumption and electricity demand from the grid by 2047.


Client: Hunter Water

Researchers: Pierre Mukheibir,  Melita Jazbec,  Ben Madden

Biogas plant from the outside

PROJECT | 2018

Creating a circular economy precinct

ISF produced a report for Sydney Water to support both internal and external dialogue on the potential of creating a circular economy precinct in Sydney. The proposed precinct would include organics processing from wastewater and additional organics waste streams.


To assist the dialogue, the report provided a selection of example case studies of scenarios in which materials – such as separated food waste, wastewater sludge and trade waste – have been combined and treated with technology like anaerobic digestion, to create by-products for further use. Such by-products could include: biogas for hot water heating and electricity generation; and nutrient rich soil conditioner, created from the digestate, for agricultural application. The example case studies, all international, were generated from a review of available public literature and academic journal papers.


Client: Sydney Water

Three people discussing business matters

PROJECT | 2016-2020

Assessing corporate sustainability for investors

ISF's ongoing partnership with an international investor group results in research that influences ethical investment.

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PROJECT | 2014

Greening local economies

This project was conducted for the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, who wanted to define a ‘green’ local economy and how government actors could stimulate this economy.


The research aimed to: 1) define local green economies, including the parameters of the concept, and an overview of the drivers of local green economic activity; 2) understand the basis for enterprise and financial support in nurturing local green economies, including analysis of the specific needs of social enterprises involved in the production of green products and services; and 3) identify the role of customers in creating demand and innovation for green products and services, with analysis of demand drivers and inputs at the local scale.


Client: NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Researcher: Samantha Sharpe

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t: +61 2 9514 4950

Level 10, UTS Building 10
235 Jones Street
Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

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