In 2021 and 2022, ISF published more than 140 research outputs. Here is a selection across the many formats they came in...

Report (2021)
More for less: how businesses can flex their energy to get more from a Renewable PPA
Alexander, D., Briggs, C., and Assaf, J. 2021.
This report for energy retailer Flow Power explores the ways that businesses can maximise their Power Purchase Agreements to save money and energy. The report explores ways businesses can modify their energy use and tailor their Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to meet their specific energy needs.

Book (2022)
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals, Part 2: Science-based Target Setting for the Finance industry — Net-Zero Sectoral 1.5˚C Pathways for Real Economy Sectors
Editor: Sven Teske, Publisher: Springer Cham
This updated second edition of the book edited by ISF's Sven Teske includes new modelling of decarbonisation pathways for main industry sectors, devised using the One Earth Climate Model. The book is available in both hard copy and downloadable open access formats and has, since its publication in early 2022 been downloaded more than 39,000 times.

Guide (2022)
Your Resilient Home Guide
Written by the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney. Visual Design by Parallel Lines. Expert input from Adam Hobill Design.
ISF researchers Caitlin McGee and Kerryn Wilmot collaborated with visual designer Chris Gaul (Parallel Lines) to produce this user-friendly guide, commissioned by Canberra's Suburban Land Agency. It is a resource for homeowners in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) to help them consider meeting the effects of climate change – such as extreme heat and weather events like floods and fire – when planning a new home or renovation.

White paper (2021)
Progress in the spatial modelling of food insecurity in Australia: A Foodbank Australia White Paper
Jacobs, B., Cisneros, F. D., Brown, J., Robertson, H., and Berry, F. (2021)
Brent Jacobs, Federico Davila Cisneros and Fiona Berry collaborated with colleagues from the UTS School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and the Centre for Health Services Management to produce this paper for Foodbank Australia, looking at the spatial distribution of food insecurity throughout Australia.
The study makes a series of general recommendations to guide the improvement of Foodbank’s modelling of food insecurity so that the organisation, and others like it, can more accurately know where their services are most needed.

Report (2021)
Water smart homes in Greater Sydney: A field guide for the future
Wakefield-Rann, R., Fane, S., Butler, A., 2021
ISF researchers Rachael Wakefield-Rann, Simon Fane and Alexandra Butler produced this report for clients Sydney Water. It summarises their research into the potential challenges and opportunities associated with water-connected smart technologies that may soon emerge for water systems and users in Greater, and particularly Western, Sydney.

Overviews (2022)
Self-supply water services in Asia and the Pacific
ISF researchers Tim Foster and Diana Gonzalez Botero partnered with UNICEF (EAPRO and ROSA) to develop 21 country factsheets providing an overview of self-supplied water services across Asia and the Pacific. These factsheets profile the prevalence of self-supply, spatial and temporal trends, service levels including water quality and availability, equity dimensions, and policy aspects of self-supply in each country.