ISF furthers the conversation about sustainability by hosting and contributing to a range of events and by appearing in the media to share our expertise with the broader community.

2019 Events

In 2019, appointed the Honourable Bob Carr as Industry Professor (Business and Climate Change). Professor Carr, former NSW Premier and Australian Foreign Minister, works with the Institute for Sustainable Futures and the UTS School of Business and in this role, Professor Carr has been a driving force behind a series of compelling debates under the #uts4climate banner. Professor Carr brings with him leading figures from politics and the media to examine climate change from all angles. See more of Bob Carr's events here.
Over two days in May, 65 leading thinkers in organics waste management convened at Sydney’s Tramsheds to explore current and emerging policy, technological innovation and practices in organic waste management to develop a vision and pathway for transitioning to a circular economy in managing organics. Organix19 was presented by ISF in partnership with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and sponsored by Sydney Water Corporation (SWC).
In conversation with The Hon Bob Carr and special guests
This panel discussion, staged in the lead-up to the Global Climate Strike in September, kicked off a series of #uts4climate events hosted by the Hon. Bob Carr, UTS Industry Professor (Business and Climate Change). Professor Carr, with guests including President of the Australian Conservation Foundation Mara Bún and ISF Research Principal Dani Alexander, addressed the untapped opportunities available for governments, businesses and communities to mobilise further action against climate change.

UTS Big thinking Forum: Saving the Climate
In July, UTS brought together leading thinkers from industry, government and academia to consider the possibility of solving the climate crisis by the year 2050. ISF Research Director Dr Sven Teske delivered an inspiring keynote address, presenting recent UTS-led research for the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation that offers a roadmap for meeting, and surpassing, the targets set by the Paris Climate Agreement.
UTS Language of Climate Action
In October, Professor Bob Carr, social researcher and author Rebecca Huntley, and CEO of the Carbon Market Institute John Connor led an interactive workshop with the aim of interrogating the way we speak about climate change… and to propose ways we might more effectively communicate its urgency.
Superpower: Australia’s Low-Carbon Opportunity book launch
Last November, more than 150 guests attended the launch of Superpower: Australia’s Low Carbon Opportunity, a new book by leading economist Ross Garnaut. The launch featured a lively discussion between Professor Garnaut, Professor Bob Carr and UTS Executive Director, Social Justice Verity Firth on the “the diabolical challenge” of developing government policy addressing climate change.

Does climate policy have a future in Australia? Martin Parkinson in conversation with Marian Wilkinson
Also in November, the Hon. Bob Carr and ISF director Professor Stuart White welcomed Australia’s most senior public servant charged with climate policy, Dr Martin Parkinson AC, to the UTS Great Hall for a candid dialogue with Four Corners reporter and Fairfax feature writer Marian Wilkinson about the roadblocks to effective policymaking over the last 12 years and the most promising opportunities presented by our current Parliament.
ISF in the media
Our topical research speaks to the concerns of the day, and we are often approached to comment in on a wide range of issues, from public transport in our major cities to advancements in waste management technology. Some media highlights from 2019 are:
‘Not too late: Australians develop carbon model with DiCaprio’s help’, is published in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, about the One Earth Climate Model research project led by ISF and funded by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.

ISF Director Stuart White lent his expertise on the future of water to an episode of ABC TV’s Australian Story featuring Mina Guli, who raised awareness of water security by running 100 marathons in 100 days. Watch the episode here.
ISF Senior Research Consultant Mathew Hounsell spoke to Seven News about issues with public transport, saying that train delays are the result of increased patronage and outdated systems.

ISF Deputy Director, Engagement Damien Giurco discussed the problem of plastic waste on ABC TV’s 7.30 program, explaining why Australia’s management system for plastics is not sustainable in the long term.