Note: From 26 August 2024, this privacy notice replaces both the Admissions Privacy Notice and the privacy notice from the previous Student Declaration.
On this page
Purpose | Collecting your information | How we use and disclose your information | How your information is stored and retained | Why you are receiving other communication from us | Your rights in relation to your information | Contact us | Additional information
1. Purpose
1.1. This notice explains how and why we collect and process your personal information as a student of UTS and applies from application stage through to graduation. In this notice, the University of Technology Sydney will be referred to as we, us, our or UTS.
1.2. We rely on the following grounds to collect, use, store, disclose or otherwise process your personal information under this notice:
- where it is required as part of any agreement we have with you, such as your admission and enrolment, or student exchange agreement.
- where it is necessary for our legitimate interests and the purposes under this notice, including where required or permitted by law.
- with your consent in situations where consent is requested from you.
2. Collecting your information
2.1. We collect your information when you set up your student portal, apply to study, are admitted and enrol, as you undertake your course of study, and when you communicate with us or lodge requests.
2.2. The information we collect includes:
- applications to study, or for other activities such as scholarships or internships.
- personal details, such as your name, photo, student identity numbers, date of birth, contact details, past study, work history and professional registrations and certifications where relevant, bank details, residency and citizenship information, indigenous status, emergency contact information, and demographic information.
- for international students coming onshore, additional information includes passport and visa details, health cover, welfare and accommodation arrangements, which is necessary to process your application to study as an international student. As part of our obligations to complete Genuine Student (GS) assessments, UTS may also collect financial documents, and details of your marital status and immigration history.
- Information relating to progress through your course, including engagement with, and outcomes of, teaching and learning activities. This may include audio/visual recordings.
- health information. For example, where you report a disability or incident, or request special consideration or request accessibility support.
- information relating to complaints or conduct matters.
- registration and participation at events.
2.3. Your information may be collected from others where required to support the purposes of this notice, or in accordance with the UTS Student Rules and policies. For example, information may be collected from:
- UAC, an agent, or other party where they apply or engage with us on your behalf.
- other organisations or institutions to verify the authenticity of information you provide, or to facilitate exchange, professional placements or internship type activities.
- UTS College, if you apply to UTS via a UTS College program. Refer to Privacy at UTS College.
- our associated or controlled entities, such as ActivateUTS or the UTS Students’ Association.
- Department of Home Affairs to verify your visa status and onshore/offshore location (for international students).
2.4. We only collect what is relevant and necessary. We need the information we collect to admit and enrol you as a student, to manage your progression through your course. If we don’t have the information required, we may not be able to do this or respond to your enquiries and requests.
3. How we use and disclose your information
3.1. We will only use or disclose your personal information for the purposes it is collected for, including directly related purposes, to fulfil a contract with you, with your consent, or where required or permitted by law.
3.2. We may use your information:
- to communicate with you, including in response to your enquiries and requests.
- to verify your identity, and information and documents provided to us.
- to manage your application, enrolment, and progression through your course. This includes providing teaching and learning activities.
- to facilitate exchange, professional placements, internships or similar opportunities where relevant.
- to manage Commonwealth supported places and relevant concessions, such as travel.
- to process payment of fees and charges or approve reimbursements or remissions.
- to provide scholarships, prizes, awards or similar offerings where relevant.
- for administrative, operational and governance functions, including security, access to systems and facilities, staff training, risk management, system development and testing, records management, insurance, investigations, and dealing with grievances and conduct matters.
- for quality improvement and planning purposes (including strategic planning) relating to our activities, including processes, facilities, services, courses, student retention, and marketing strategies, and to evaluate overall student outcomes through to course completion and graduate outcomes.
- to manage the health and safety of our staff, students, and members of the public, including in emergency situations, or to address a potential serious threat or risk to you or others, or to property.
- where required or permitted by law. For example, to meet our reporting obligations under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA Act) and the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) (ESOS Act).
- to facilitate election of student representatives to various bodies of UTS or our controlled or associated entities.
- to facilitate your attendance at events. For example, information sessions and graduations.
- to affiliate our graduates as UTS Alumni.
- to support your further engagement with us or future applications.
3.3. UTS is proactive in providing support to our students and will use your and other students’ personal information, including academic performance and engagement with teaching and learning activities, services and facilities, to improve the ongoing retention of student and student outcomes, and to identify and offer additional services and facilities that may be available to you to support your studies.
3.4. Your information may be provided to UTS’s associated or controlled entities, or other persons or organisations, to facilitate the above activities, for example to:
- other educational institutions or organisations. For example, to verify your information and documents, to facilitate exchange, professional placements, internships or other similar arrangements.
- Australian or New South Wales government departments or agencies, where required or permitted by law. For example, for mandatory reporting, managing Commonwealth supported places, arranging travel concessions, or meeting obligations under the ESOS Act. Personal information disclosed to such bodies may be shared among various government agencies and bodies to improve the provision of higher education, training and research.
- ActivateUTS and UTS Students' Association for the purposes of elections, and to support your engagement with those associated entities and UTS.
- your agent, organisation, or other party if they have applied or engaged with us on your behalf. This may include details about enrolment, course completion and payment of fee and charges.
- for sponsored students, to your sponsor, embassy, cultural mission or party appointed to these roles. This may include details of academic progress, results, attendance and financial standing.
- providers of student housing or other services you have requested.
- UTS College, if you ask about courses that are run by UTS College, are applying for or studying pathway programs. Refer to Privacy at UTS College.
- any party who requests to verify the authenticity of information or qualifications you have received from UTS. This process only verifies authenticity of information already held by the external party.
- emergency services, medical and support providers (including NSW Police, medical or hospital personnel), or your nominated emergency contact, where necessary to respond to a crisis or emergency or a significant medical, health or safety incident or issue.
- Museums of History NSW. Records that confirm the receipt of a qualification from UTS are a NSW State archive.
3.5. Information may be used by, or disclosed to, our contracted service providers who perform some of our functions on our behalf, including hosting systems/apps; webinars; student recruitment; housing; events; or communications. Some service providers store data outside Australia, in the cloud, or may access data from overseas locations. When we provide your information to a service provider, we take measures to ensure that they have appropriate arrangements and practices in place. For more details of other parties who may receive your information, refer to who receives your information.
4. How your information is stored and retained
4.1. We store your information in UTS controlled and managed systems, including those hosted by service providers on our behalf under contract.
4.2. Access to your information is restricted to those who require access for the legitimate business of UTS.
4.3. Technical and non-technical measures are applied to protect information from loss, and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
4.4. Your information will be kept for as long as it is needed for the purposes in this notice and in line with our retention obligations under the State Records Act 1998 (NSW).
5. Why you are receiving other communication from us
5.1. In addition to communicating with you for the purposes in this notice, you may receive other communications. When you set up your UTS student portal account, you are indicating your interest in studying at UTS. We may contact you to provide you with information about study opportunities and events. Refer to the marketing privacy notice for further information on our marketing practices.
6. Your rights in relation to your information
6.1. You have a right to make the following requests in relation to your personal information. Some limitations may apply to these requests. Refer to Contact us below to exercise your rights. You can:
- request to access or correct your information, or to request further details about what information is held about you and how it is used. Refer to forms provided under your student info.
- request that we limit or stop processing of your information. For example, while we check the accuracy of information, or when consent is withdrawn (where this applies). Such requests may impact your application or study or limit our ability to support you.
- request the transfer of your information to another party if this is technically possible or feasible.
- request we delete your information. This will depend on our record management obligations.
6.2. If you have any concerns or a complaint about how your information has been handled, contact the Student Complaints Resolution Office by completing the student complaints form via the UTS student portal, or email Refer to privacy complaints for further information.
7. Contact us
7.1. If you have any questions about this notice or wish to make a request in relation to it, please contact us via askUTS, or via phone 1300 ASK UTS (1300 275 887). If outside Australia, call +61 2 9514 1222
7.2. If unsure who to contact, or you require additional assistance, contact the UTS Privacy Officer.
8. Additional information
8.1 Refer also to:
- Website privacy notice in relation to using our website.
- Alumni privacy notice for when you have graduated and become a UTS alumni.
- UTS Online privacy policy for students of our UTS Online program of courses.
- any additional privacy notices provided when you engage with other activities and services.
- Privacy at UTS on our website for further details about privacy, including privacy contacts.
- our Privacy Policy and Privacy Management Plan.
8.2 This notice may be updated at any time. Check this notice periodically to ensure you are aware of our current practices.
Date last updated: 26/08/2024