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First BASE Program

Two students talking and laughing as they walk.

First BASE (Belonging, Agency, Support, Engagement) Program 

The First BASE Program offers personalised support to students in their first year or new to UTS. However, it is OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS. The aim of the program is to help students settle into studying at UTS and set them up with the knowledge, skills, social connections and access to support needed for holistic success.

The First BASE Program has now finished for 2024.

Thank you to our wonderful First BASE Coaches for all your contributions to this program. Thank you to all the students who participated in the First BASE program. 


UTS Support Services for all students

Contact Us

If you want more information before joining the First BASE Program, or you are a staff member at UTS and would like to know more, please email us at 

Important Note

The University reserves the right to take all necessary action to protect the safety of its staff, students and facilities, and to ensure reasonable use of services and facilities. This may include revoking or placing conditions on access to facilities, services, or campus precincts.