To request a review of a result students should email their Subject Coordinator within 5 working days of receiving a result for an assessment task or overall results for the subject.
Reasons to apply
You can only request a review of a result based on administrative or procedural irregularities, which may include:
- A subject outline was not provided;
- Assessment requirements were changed in an unreasonable way;
- Due regard was not paid to an approved special consideration application;
- There was an error in the calculation of the final subject result;
- Alleged discrimination, prejudice or bias from any person involved in the determination of the final subject result.
How to request a review of result
To request a review of your result, you should complete the Request a review of result template (PDF, 29kB) and send it via email to your subject coordinator within 5 working days of the result being made available to you.
Your email must contain the following information:
- Student ID
- Subject Name and Number
- Supporting statement explaining the reasons for applying
- Attach the Request a review of result template (PDF, 29kB), as well as any other relevant examples or supporting documentation.
- If you received a late result, or were prevented from accessing your final results on the results release date, your email should specify the date that your result was made available in My Student Admin and the reason.
The subject coordinator will consider the claim and determine if the result needs to be adjusted. They will inform you of the final decision via email.
Appeal process
If you are dissatisfied with the decision made by your subject coordinator, you may request an appeal by a Responsible Academic Officer (RAO). All appeals must be submitted within 5 working days of receiving the outcome from your subject coordinator.
Your appeal should be submitted via Ask UTS Enquiry through My Student Portal with the category 'Exams/Assessments/Results'.
Your appeal must contain the following attached documents:
- The original request a review of result form you sent to your subject coordinator.
- The full email trail between yourself and the subject coordinator including all the emails back and forth AND the subject coordinator’s final decision. (If you are attaching more than one file, please name the files clearly so that we can process your appeal more quickly).
- A statement outlining the reasons why you are dissatisfied with the subject coordinator's outcome and your reasons for appealing the decision.
The RAO will make a determination and provide a response to the student and the subject coordinator with their reasons. At this point the appeal is considered closed.
Further appeals and complaint process
Following the RAO’s decision from an appeal, if the student believes they have not been treated fairly and equitably they may seek the assistance of the Student Complaints Resolution Office (SCRO) by making a complaint. The SCRO may seek to resolve the matter if a reasonable resolution is available.
The complaints process is not a substitute for appeal processes outlined above, and the SCRO does not oversee academic judgment in the awarding of assessments or grades. You should only submit a complaint regarding your results if you have already followed the available processes to appeal and have received final outcomes, and believe that you have not been treated fairly or equitably throughout the process.