Important information for students with AI invigilated exams.
What’s on this page
UTS is asking students to consent to the supply of their personal information to ProctorU prior to creating an account with them. This is so students have the chance to be fully informed about the ProctorU process rather than just asking students to sign up.
Log in to MyStudentAdmin to consent before you create a ProctorU account.
How to install the Guardian browser
To sit your online invigilated exam, you’ll need to download the ProctorU Guardian browser.
Download the Guardian browser for Windows OS or Mac OS (opens an external site).
Complete the ProctorU Practice exam well before your scheduled exams. See Canvas announcements in your Subject site to access the ProctorU Practice site.
If you experience any technical difficulties, please contact ServiceConnect.
Use the Guardian browser to sit your exam
On the day of your exam, you will need to use the Guardian browser to access any AI-invigilated exams in Canvas.
Open the Guardian browser and enter into the search bar.
Log into Canvas with your UTS credentials.
Navigate to your exam from your Dashboard by clicking on your Subject site and then ‘Quizzes’ or ‘Assignments’.
Exam type
To confirm what type of exam you have, please refer to your timetable on MyStudentAdmin. Your subject coordinator will be able to tell you more about your exam, like what materials you can use during your exam and if you can use blank paper. This will vary from subject to subject.
ProctorU support
If you are sitting an AI invigilated exam, you can get support from ProctorU using the live chat support function within the Guardian browser or ProctorU support lines (Australian free call: 1800 841 822).