Frequently asked questions
These FAQs are for students who have approved exam provisions in place.
If you’re a primary carer or pregnant, you can apply for assessment adjustment arrangements.
If you’re from a non-English speaking background (NESB), you can apply for exam provisions.
For further enquiries on how your exam provisions are implemented, please contact
Students registered with the Accessibility Service
Exam provisions aim to accommodate the impact of a disability and/or ongoing medical condition while maintaining academic standards, and include adjustments such as extra time, additional breaks, or applications for a rescheduled exam after the main exam period.
If you are not registered with Accessibility and have questions about Exam Provisions for Online Exams, please contact the Accessibility Service, phone 9514 1177 or email
Extra time
How is my extra time applied for timed LMS and AI invigilated exams?
For AI invigilated and timed LMS exams, the amount of extra time you have approved is added to the scheduled exam duration on a whole hour basis for centrally-conducted exams. Your additional extra time is individually adjusted for each of your exams, as it would be for on-campus exams.
For example, if you have 10min/hr extra time and the exam is 120 minutes, then you will have a total writing time of 140 minutes.
You can check My Student Admin for your Exam Timetable, including the dates, start times, start of availability window, length of availability window, duration, exam type and approved exam provisions.
How will my extra time be applied for take home exams?
For take home exams, the following will apply:
If you normally get 5-30 minutes per hour extra time
there will be a 50% hour adjustment
the 3 hour window will be extended to 4.5 hours
the 6 hour window will be extended to 9 hours
the 12 hour window will be extended to 24 hours (the 12 hours window has been extended to 24 hours instead of 18 hours to account for exams that may extend into the evening)
the 24 hour window will be extended to 36 hours
If you normally get 35-60 minutes per hour extra time
there will be a 100% hour adjustment
the 3 hour window will be extended to 6 hours
the 6 hour window will be extended to 12 hours
the 12 hour window will be extended to 24 hours
the 24 hour window will be extended to 48 hours
I have been approved for NESB exam provisions, how will my extra time be applied for take home exams?
For take home exams, the following will apply:
You normally get 10 minutes per hour extra time
there will be a 25% hour adjustment
the 3 hour window will be extended to 3.75 hours
the 6 hour window will be extended to 7.5 hours
the 12 hour window will be extended to 15 hours
the 24 hour window will be extended to 30 hours
Adjusted finish time (for students with extra time approved)
I can't see my adjusted finish time for my online exam. Will the exam stay open for me to submit with my extra time?
For take home exams, the Exams Teams has manually adjusted your time to complete the exam and included your extra time based on the percentages identified for you. This will ensure that the exam window stays open for the full extra time you are allowed.
For Timed LMS (Learning Management System) exams that have been prepared on Canvas, sometimes the end time and your adjusted extra time may not be showing on screen. However, be assured that the exam window will stay open.
In Canvas, when you log in, the introductory page shows a ‘Due date’ time and an ‘Available until’ time. The ‘Available until’ time is the end time that has been allocated to you.
If you are still unable to see the extra time in Canvas, you can calculate your allocated extra time using the percentages shown above.
If you are concerned about the application of your extra time or need help in calculating your extra time provision, please contact and Please ensure you use these contacts rather than your subject coordinator to ensure your enquiry is responded to promptly.
Timetable constraints (e.g. hours between exams, 1 exam per day, time of exam)
I have a 24 gap between my exams, is this the same for online exams?
Yes. If you have a provision of 24, 48 or 72 hours between each exam, this is reflected in your timetable as published on My Student Admin.
I have an exam provision of 1 exam per day, is this the same for online exams?
Yes. If your exam provision is for 1 exam per day, this has been factored into your timetable as published on My Student Admin.
I have no AM / PM exams, how does this work for online exams?
If the main exam starts within or clashes with your approved time constraint (for e.g. if you have no AM exams and the main exam timetable is a 9.30am start) your start time has been adjusted to accommodate your time constraint, and is as reflected in your timetable on My Student Admin.
If any of your provisions relating to time constraints or gaps aren’t reflected on your timetable on My Student Admin, contact
Checking your exam details on MyStudentAdmin
My exam provisions aren’t listed on my timetable on My Student Admin, what should I do?
We are ensuring your approved exam provisions can be implemented in the online environment. Your exam provisions are listed on your exam timetable under ‘Special conditions’.
If you have approved exam provisions that are not displayed on MSA, contact the Accessibility Service as soon as possible on phone 9514 1177 or email and
Move around/stretch, frequent bathroom breaks and breaks outside the room
My exam provisions include: move around/stretch or frequent bathroom breaks. How does this work for online exams?
You will be permitted to move around and stretch or take frequent bathroom breaks, just as you would during an in-person, on-campus exam.
A reminder that your exam time continues during any breaks.
This requirement has been confirmed with ProctorU so there is no need for you to make any requests or notifications during your exam.
My exam provisions include breaks outside the room, how does this work for online exams?
For non-invigilated exams, you can take breaks outside the room as needed. Your exam time continues during any breaks.
For AI invigilated exams, any scheduled breaks as part of your approved exam condition will already be flagged in the online system software and will be allowed when the exam is being reviewed.
Will my approved exam condition of having a bathroom/accessible bathroom close by happen?
Online exams give you the flexibility to take the exam close to amenities that suit you. When you are doing your online exam at home, consider how to best place yourself and set up your exam location and space.
Scribes and readers
Will I be provided with a scribe/reader as part of my exam provisions for online exams?
Students with a scribe and/or reader exam provision will be contacted to discuss providing these services in the context of online exams. More information will be provided regarding the delivery of these provisions for students who have a scribe, reader or assistive technology provision for an AI invigilated exam.
If you have a Scribe and/or Reader exam provision and haven't discussed your preferences for Online Exams, please contact immediately.
Ergonomic or additional equipment
I have equipment as part of my provisions – how will this work in online exams?
You can arrange these provisions to meet your needs. If you don’t have access to your equipment provisions and haven’t already notified us, please contact immediately.
Can I use my ergonomic equipment (e.g. ergonomic chair, adjustable table or external mouse /keyboard) that I need?
You are welcome to use your own ergonomic equipment during an online exam. This includes, AI Invigilated, Timed LMS and Take Home exams.
Access to food, water and medication
I have access to food, water and medications as part of my provisions. How does this work for online exams?
You can have water, food and medications nearby during your online exam. For invigilated exams, you should have these items on your desk before you start your online exam.
For non-invigilated Timed LMS and Take Home exams, have these items nearby or where you can access them easily.
Exam paper in alternative format (font changes, coloured paper)
Will I get my exam in the alternative format (e.g. coloured paper, font type or sizes) that I need?
The Exams Team is working with Subject Coordinators to ensure that each online exam is in an accessible format to meet your approved required format.
Some students will be invited to come onto campus to sit their exam to assist in ensuring that this exam provision can be properly delivered. You will be contacted by
the Exams Team if this is required for your exam. These exams will still be delivered online and you may choose to bring your own laptop.
How do I change or enlarge my font size for an LMS exam?
The most reliable way to change your font size is by using your browser magnifier.
To magnify your font on a Windows machine, press the ctrl (control) and then the + (plus) sign key on your keyboard. To reduce the font size, press ctrl and the - (minus).
On a Mac, to magnify the font, press the cmd (command) and + (plus) key to magnfiy your font size. To reduce the font size, press cmd and the - (minus) keys.
Note that magnification can distort images, tables and diagrams.
Assistive technology
Can I use my approved assistive technology in an online exam?
You can use your assistive technology for non-invigilated LMS Exams or Take Home exams.
If you do not have your approved assistive technology (eg. read out loud or dictation software) on your computer, please contact to organise the technology you need or to arrange to sit your exam on campus.
Some students will be invited to come onto campus to sit their exam to assist in ensuring that this exam provision can be properly delivered. These exams will still be delivered online and you may choose to bring your own laptop.
Can I use Dragon with my LMS exam?
While we have not conducted wide testing with Dragon, running it with Canvas could be difficult if you are using the web version at the same time. This has proven to be challenging because Dragon web version can use a lot of bandwidth.
On-campus exams
Can I do my online exams on campus if I have accessibility requirements?
The exam session will be online, with the exception of those students with provisions such as scribes/readers or assistive technology who will be offered an on-campus exam.
If you have access requirements that prevent you from taking exams in your home environment, are registered with Accessibility and are unable to have your exam accommodations met off campus or if you have a scribe, reader and/or assistive technology exam provision and have not been contacted by the Accessibility Service as soon as possible to discuss your requirements – phone 9514 1177 or email
Second screens and external monitors
Can I use a second computer screen or external monitor during an online exam?
If you have an external monitor or second screen approved as an exam provision you will be permitted to use this for your invigilated online exams. You will need to set up your monitor prior to the start of the exam.
For Timed LMS and Take Home exams that are not invigilated, you will be able to use an external monitor or second screen.
How can I duplicate my display on a second monitor?
You will have to change your display settings before starting your exams. In order to update your settings, follow the steps below.
- Go to Settings
- Select System
- Select Display
- Change the setting from ‘Extend these displays’ to ‘Duplicate these displays’
Note: Extended displays are not permitted during ProctorU exams.
How do I set up a second monitor for my exam?
Your exam provisions may include use of a second monitor during your exam.
Second monitors are generally not permitted during an invigilated exam, and require permission under the approved accommodation procedure.
If you do have second monitors approved, you can find out how to connect your second monitor (opens an external website).
Should I duplicate or extend my second monitor?
Generally you would be duplicating your second monitor, if this is an approved exam provision you have.
Duplicated – The desktop is duplicated (including resolution) on more than one display. This setup can be useful for running demos and presentations.
Extended – The desktop is extended across multiple displays. Each extended display has its own unique desktop area (including screen resolution and refresh rate). This setup can be used to provide additional desktop space.
Monitor settings are in different places for different computers. These are described in How do I set up a second monitor for my exam question on this page.
Alternative exams
I have applied for/been approved to sit an alternative exam, but need new exam provisions due to my accessibility requirement. What should I do?
Exam provisions are to accommodate students with a disability and/or ongoing medical condition, which includes temporary injuries (e.g. broken arm). If you have recently acquired a medical condition, injury or disability and were unable to complete your exams in the main exam period, you may be eligible for exam provisions for your alternative exams, which includes adjustments such as extra time, additional breaks, or a scribe/reader.
Please contact the Accessibility Service to speak with an Accessibility Consultant about if you would be eligible for exam provisions. The Accessibility Service can be contacted via the Accessibility Service webpage, phone 9514 1177 or email
Questions for subject coordinators during your online exam
Will my subject coordinator be available for me to contact during online exams?
Subject coordinators will confirm their availability and contact method during the exam with students on the subject site in Canvas. Generally, subject coordinators will be available in the first and last hour of the standard exam time. You will be informed about your subject coordinator availability on the LMS. Please keep in mind that if your exam time is extended, due to extra time, the availability of your Subject Coordinator is based on the standard timetable exam times.