If you feel ill on the day of your exam or have suffered a misadventure and do not feel that you can complete the examination, you should not attempt the examination.
Apply for an alternative exam
Circumstances for eligibility
You may be eligible to apply but this does not mean you will be eligible to be approved.
Valid circumstances
- You are ill on the day of your centrally-conducted exam.
- You have not attempted any part of the centrally-conducted exam.
- You have suffered a misadventure.
- Your circumstance is unforeseen and out of your control.
Not valid circumstances
- You have attempted or accessed (viewed or downloaded) any part of your centrally-conducted exam - apply for Special Consideration.
- You were aware of your circumstances prior to your centrally-conducted exam - you may be eligible to apply for Scheduling Difficulties before the closing date.
- You have missed a faculty-based exam - apply for Special Consideration.
Steps to take
- Apply online for an alternative exam after you have missed a centrally conducted exam. You must apply within two (2) working days within the missed exam.
- The application form will be sent to your UTS email account.
- Print out the application form. This will include two sections;
- Personal details page - You must read, sign and date this page.
- Professional Authority form - A registered medical practitioner, psychologist, UTS Student Counsellor (or other registered counsellor) must complete this form accurately and in full, with all mandatory fields completed. The dates specified on your Professional Authority form must cover the date of your missed exam, in order for your application to be assessed.
4. Sign, scan (into PDF format) and email the completed form (personal details page and professional authority form/other relevant documentation) to alternative.exams@uts.edu.au, using your UTS webmail account only no later than two working days after your missed exam. Under the relevant UTS rules, communications from email accounts other than your official UTS account may not be accepted.
- Your name
- Student ID number
- Subject number & subject name of exam missed
You must also keep the original hard copy of your application. SAU Examinations may request to see the original and your application may not be assessed if you cannot produce the original document. Please be sure to check your UTS account regularly as we may require further documentation within a strict deadline.
If you missed an examination because of religious circumstances/obligations (not health-related matters), please supply a letter from a minister of religion on an official letterhead (it is not necessary to fill in the professional authority section). You will still be required to register online and submit the signed Personal Details form.
If you missed an examination because of a breakdown in your travel arrangements that were unforeseen and beyond your control, you must attach appropriate evidence (it is not necessary to fill in the professional authority section) such as a letter from a Station Master, an NRMA docket or a service station account. You will still be required to register online and submit the signed Personal Details form.
Disciplinary action may be taken by the university if false and misleading documentation is submitted.
You may not apply for an alternative exam if you:
- attempted or accessed (viewed or downloaded) any part of a centrally-conducted exam. If you attempt part of a centrally-conducted exam, you may apply for special consideration.
- missed a faculty-based exam. If you miss a faculty-based exam, you should contact your Faculty.
Alternative exams timetable
Once your application is approved, you will get an automated email from void@uts.edu.au confirming your application and notifying you of the date from which you can access your alternative examination timetable. To access your alternative exam details please log in to My Student Admin on the date and time that was advised in your approval email.
You will need to attend your alternative exam at the designated date, time and location. Alternative exams are scheduled after the centrally-conducted exam period. If you fail to attend an alternative exam, no further arrangement will be made by the Examinations & Assessments Team.