Here's an overview of what to expect when sitting online exams and where to get help if you need it.
While studying at UTS, you may need to demonstrate your understanding of topics by completing a formal exam at the end of the teaching period. All exams will be specified in your subject outline (including exam type and weighting).
It's important to familiarise yourself with the different exam types, processes and student rules around online exams at UTS.
All students will need to use a specific browser to sit any AI invigilated exams (browsers like Chrome, Firefox or Safari won't be compatible). Download the Guardian browser and complete the ProctorU Practice test before your exam.
Exam FAQs
Here you can find some answers to frequently asked questions about exams. This page is constantly updated, so please check back regularly.
Online exams
There are three main exam types for those sitting a centrally conducted exam: AI Invigilated, Timed LMS and Take Home exams. The exam type will be displayed on your exam timetable when published in MyStudentAdmin (MSA).
For more information about the online exam types and conditions this session, including instructional guides and what to expect for your exam, please visit the online exams page.
Can I come onto campus to sit my online exam?
If you are unable to sit your online exam at home due to special circumstances beyond your control (for example, no internet connectivity), please contact your subject coordinator to arrange an alternative exam location for your online exam.
How will end of session exams be run online?
There are three types of online exams this session. Your exam type can be found on your exam timetable under exam conditions, available from the Examination timetable release day in My Student Admin.
The three exam types are:
- Take-home exam (not invigilated)
- Timed LMS exam (not invigilated)
- AI invigilated exam (invigilated)
There will be no live invigilated exams this session.
All exams will take place within the UTS Learning Management System (LMS) Canvas. Invigilated exams will be monitored by ProctorU software. For more information, visit the online exams page.
Why are only some exams being invigilated?
Some subjects have accreditation or professional certification requirements that state they must have an invigilated exam for academic integrity.
Invigilated exams are standard for universities, and the usual on-campus exams are also invigilated using exam supervisors. Online invigilation ensures fairness and integrity in your exam.
Where the exam doesn’t require invigilation, the university has moved to alternative assessments, and non-invigilated exams like take-home exams or timed LMS exams.
What can I take into my online exam?
For all exams, the subject coordinator will notify students about materials and resources they will need. Your exam can be open book, closed book, or restricted open book, which you can find under Exam Conditions on your exam timetable.
Your subject coordinator will provide you with a list of permitted resources and materials, including online or digital materials, prior to your exam.
Has the process changed around student misconduct?
No. Online exams follow the same misconduct procedures and processes as on-campus exams. For more information, please refer to the UTS Student Rules at the bottom of this page.
For more information on your exam timetable and how to read it, please refer to the Exam timetable guide.
When will the timetable be released?
The exam timetable publication dates can be found in the Important Dates section.
Will online exams still be timetabled?
Yes, online exams will still be centrally timetabled to avoid clashes, and to provide students with enough time to prepare and rest between exams.
The exam timetable may look different this session due to exams being online. We have put together an Exam timetable guide to help you read your timetable and where to go if there is any missing information.
When will the exam results be released?
The date for release of results can be found in the UTS Handbook. Results for the main exam session will be available in My Student Admin.
How do I know what type of exam I have and when my exam is?
You can find this information on your exam timetable for the current round of centrally conducted exams. Log in to My Student Admin to access your exam timetable. For help reading your exam timetable, visit the Exam timetable guide.
It is your responsibility to be familiar with the time of your exam and your exam type.
Your exam will take place within the learning management system (Canvas). You should sit your exam at home to ensure the safety of yourself and the UTS community.
Can I sit my exam with my friends in the same room?
To ensure academic integrity, you should sit your exam at home in a private space where you will not be interrupted. The library or campus is not a suitable space for online exams.
What about faculty-based exams?
Faculty-based exams are organised by individual faculties or schools and are conducted in accordance with guidelines established by the relevant faculty board. Faculty-based exam dates are not found on the centrally-conducted exams timetable. Students should contact their faculty or school with queries regarding a faculty-based exam.
What should I do if I experience technical issues during my exam?
If you experience an issue with your internet, or if you are disconnected, you should first try to reconnect.
If you are sitting an AI invigilated exam and experience technical issues outside of your control that prevents you from continuing your exam, contact ProctorU via the live chat support function. If you're sitting a take home exam, or a timed LMS exam, you can call the exam hotline for help during your exam on +61 2 9514 3222.
If your issue cannot be resolved, you can apply for special consideration within two days of your exam. You'll need to make sure you select 'hardship' as the reason for special consideration and supply documentation of what occurred.
What can the IT Support exam hotline help me with?
UTS IT Support team is running a dedicated exam hotline to help students resolve exam-related technical queries. The hotline is available for students via +61 2 9514 3222. IT support exam hotline will be able to assist students with the following:
- Issues with your learning management system Canvas
- Student login issues
- Issues with an internet browser or Guardian browser for AI invigilated exams
- Technical setup prior to your exam, such as setting up local drives, webcams and checking browser speed
- Technical setup for assistive technology for students with accessibility requirements
Hours of operation during sessions:
- Monday to Friday - 8:00am to 9:30pm AEST/AEDT
- Saturday and Sunday - 9:00am to 5:00pm AEST/AEDT
When are subject coordinators available during online exams?
Your subject coordinator advise you on their availability and preferred contact method prior to the exam day. Keep in mind that your subject coordinator may not reply immediately. If this results in you not being able to complete the exam, you will need to apply for special consideration.
If you are sitting an AI invigilated exam, you will not be able to contact your subject coordinator during your exam.
Where else can I go for support?
The UTS Counselling Service has tips for coping with exams.
You can also visit the Supporting Online Study Portal for resources on how to get the most out of online learning.
I'm unwell on the day of my exam, should I sit my exam?
If you feel ill on the day of your exam or have suffered a misadventure and do not feel that you can complete the examination, you should not attempt the examination. You should apply for an alternative exam.
Alternative and Supplementary exams
When are alternative or supplementary exams being held?
View the alternative exam dates in centrally conducted exams dates and timetables.
How do I know if I have been approved for an alternative exam?
Once your application is approved, you will receive an automated email from confirming your application and notifying you of the date from which you can access your alternative examination timetable. To access your alternative exam details please log in to My Student Admin on the date and time that was advised in your approval email.
What type of exam will I have?
The type of exam that you will sit for your alternative or supplementary exam is dependent on the subject. You can find more information about your alternative or supplementary exam in your updated exam timetable via My Student Admin.
I have been approved to sit the alternative exams but need new exam provisions due to my accessibility requirement. What should I do?
Exam provisions are to accommodate students with a disability and/or ongoing medical condition, which includes temporary injuries (e.g. broken arm). If you have recently acquired a medical condition, injury or disability and were unable to complete your exams in the main exam period, you may be eligible for exam provisions for your alternative exams, which includes adjustments such as extra time, additional breaks, or a scribe/reader.
Please contact the Accessibility Service to speak with an Accessibility Consultant about if you would be eligible for exam provisions. The Accessibility Service can be contacted via the Accessibility Service web page, phone 9514 1177 or email
For more information on exam provisions, please refer to the Exam provisions FAQ.
If I am sitting an alternative or supplementary exam, when will my results be available?
Results will be available after the alternative and supplementary exam period and can be accessed via My Student Admin. Contact your subject coordinator for your alternative or supplementary exam results.
For more information on results, please refer to the Exam Results page.
I’m unwell on the day of my alternative or supplementary exam, do I sit my exam?
If you feel ill on the day of your exam or have suffered a misadventure and do not feel that you can complete the examination, you should not attempt the examination. If you miss or do not sit your exam, you must apply for special consideration, which will be assessed by your Subject Coordinator.
Alternative exam, special consideration and support
Special consideration is available to students who feel that their performance in an exam has been affected by circumstances beyond your control. This also includes technical issues beyond your control during an online exam.
If you miss your exam due to illness or misadventure, you should apply for an alternative exam.
The alternative exam period dates will be announced in due time.
If you are worried about your exam/assessment performance, please take some time to visit our Health and Wellbeing website to find out more about coping with exams and assessments.
Scheduling Difficulties
What is a scheduling difficulty?
A scheduling difficulty occurs:
- due to circumstances beyond your control.
- where you are unable to attend a centrally-conducted exam.
- when you are aware of this before the exam period.
- when a centrally-conducted exam clashes with a timetabled class. Classes take precedence over centrally-conducted exams.
You can apply to UTS to advise of a scheduling difficulty if you have:
- three (3) or more exams occurring within a 24 hour period. E.g. If you have an exam at 9.30am, 12.30pm and 3.30pm on the same day, you can apply to reschedule one of these exams (you cannot choose which one)
- medical/psychological reasons
- representative cultural or representative sporting commitments at state, national or international level
- a significant religious event for which you can demonstrate an ongoing personal commitment
- significant personal or family events for which you can provide documentary evidence that satisfies the Director, Student Administration Unit or Subject Coordinator that the commitment could not be undertaken outside the examination period
- loss or bereavement
- urgent travel
- significant and unavoidable work commitment that you have been directed to undertake for which you can provide a letter on company letterhead from the employer
- service commitments (e.g. members of SES and armed forces) that cannot be undertaken outside the examination period for which you can provide documentary evidence
- UTS representative commitment as approved by the faculty and SAU Examinations and Assessments.
- conflicting UTS placements (e.g. clinical and teaching)
It is not considered a scheduling difficulty if you have:
- An exam availability window clash on your timetable (two centrally-conducted exams available at the same time). Scheduling difficulties do not include take-home exams and it is up to you to manage both exams within the exam availability window. The length of your exam availability window may vary according to your subject.
- conflicting travel arrangements other than for UTS approved overseas study
- conflicting sport and leisure activities
- normal demands of employment (we expect students to tell their employers about their examination commitments at the beginning of each session). This includes, but not limited to, irregular casual work, increased ordinary work commitments as a result of a promotion or financial problems
- routine family commitments such as birthdays
- UTS student club/society commitments
When do I need to submit a scheduling difficulties form?
Please refer to centrally conducted exams dates and timetables to find out when applications close each session.
You will be notified of your outcome by email within 2 business days of submitting your application. If you have not received any outcome email, please submit an Ask UTS enquiry immediately.
If approved, your exam/s will be rescheduled to Alternative Exams Period by default.
Your rescheduled exams timetable will be available on My Student Admin when it is published.
How can I tell if there’s a clash on my exam timetable?
If you have 2 take-home exams in one day, this is not considered a timetable clash because you will have a 3-24 hour window to complete both assessments. The window of availability may vary according to the subject but you will need to manage your time between both subjects.
Your centrally-conducted exams will take precedence over any faculty-based assessments (Rule 9.1.3). So if there are any clashes with a faculty-based assessment, please email your subject coordinator to make alternative arrangements.
I have an exam clash, what should I do?
If you have a direct clash on your timetable (two centrally-conducted exams at the same time), you will automatically be rescheduled prior to the publication of the exam timetable. If you notice that there is still a direct clash on My Student Admin, please submit a scheduling difficulties application by the scheduling difficulties deadline.
I want to apply for scheduling difficulties, what do I do?
Complete the advice of scheduling difficulties for centrally conducted examinations form (PDF, 477kB). You must submit supporting documentation with your application.
You should also keep a copy of your scheduling difficulties application for your own records.
We are now accepting forms online. Please submit and attach your completed form (and any supporting documents) via an Ask UTS enquiry.
I have a scheduling difficulty, but it's past the deadline. What do I do?
Your exam can still be rescheduled, however you should not submit the advice of scheduling difficulties form. Instead, check your eligibility for an alternative exam or special consideration.
Criteria applies for these processes. Be sure to select the correct application to suit your circumstances. All closing dates for applications can be found on our Key Dates page.
If you have any other questions about end of session exams, please contact Ask UTS.
Student and related rules:
9.1 Examination timetables
9.2 Student responsibilities
9.3 Conduct of examinations
2.2.1 Student Identity Card