The Peer Network offers a number of formal and informal benefits to members:
Formal Benefits
Peer Network Training
Training Day 1 – Communication and leadership
Participating in the first training day offers a chance to increase your employability by enhancing your communication and leadership skills. You will discover how to successfully approach people you’ve never met, while learning how to observe and be tactful of other people’s cultural practices. This training day also offers an excellent opportunity to meet with many of the other prospective Peer Networkers through a day of activities and fun.
Training Day 2 – Team building and Orientation preparation
Many students will approach you with questions during Orientation, so the second training day provides you with all of the dates and information you’ll need to answer them. Past Peer Networkers will also be present to answer any queries about their previous experiences you may have. You’ll also go on a campus tour and learn some of the secret ways to get around at UTS.
Certificates and Recommendations
Vice Chancellor's recommendation
The Vice Chancellor acknowledges the contribution of each Peer Networker with a personalised recommendation. If you complete two or more Orientations these will be mentioned and you will receive your recommendation at the Peer Network Acknowledgment Ceremony.
Employer Statement from the Student Experience Team
The Student Experience team provides an Employer Statement for each Peer Networker. It gives an idea of what tasks a Peer Networker completes during Orientation, as well as the skills required. You’ll receive this with your Vice-Chancellor reference at the Acknowledgment Ceremony.
Student Experience referee
Once you have completed the program, the Peer Network Coordinator will be happy to act as a referee for you should you need one when it's time to start the job hunt.
Training certificates
Your Training Day 1 certificate will acknowledge the communication and leadership training you will have participated in prior to your first Orientation as a Peer Networker. Should you participate in other Peer Network Seminars, you will also receive a certificate of attendance for each one.
Peer Network Events
Oldies Newies
Our Oldies Newies event offers a great opportunity to get to know your fellow Peer Networkers. This event is usually held the week before Orientation commences.
Thank You Event
After completing Orientation, the Thank You event is our way of saying a big and heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all of the Peer Networkers who participated. We understand that volunteering one or two weeks of your holidays is a considerable sacrifice, so we organise this event for you to reconnect with all your new friends during the session.
Peer Network Acknowledgement Ceremony
What Peer Networkers do at the university is very special, and the University recognises this. At the end of the year the Vice Chancellor hosts a cocktail event called the Peer Network Acknowledgment Ceremony. It's an evening of celebration to thank Peer Networkers for all of their volunteering efforts, and they are also provided with their official documents.
Other Benefits
Paid employment and other volunteering opportunities
As a Peer Networker, you will be on the Peer Networking mailing list that advertises various (potentially paid) opportunities around UTS, often before these roles are offered elsewhere. The type of work offered can vary from admin work, to working on a video shoot, to computer programming!
Peer Networkers are also given the opportunity to volunteer as Local Legends for Network Cafe.
Informal Benefits
Network with staff and students
You'll have plenty of opportunities to form new and rewarding relationships with both students and UTS staff members during your time as a Peer Networker. Not only does this benefit your professional network, but also gives you the chance to form long-lasting friendships!
Interpersonal Skills and Confidence
Communicating confidently with strangers is never an easy task. Thankfully, as a Peer Networker you will receive training in communication and leadership, whilst accumulating first-had experience interacting with a wide range of students and members of the public – strengthening your interpersonal communication skills and confidence in the process!
Cross-cultural Competence
While assisting with Orientation, you will have the opportunity to meet and form lasting connections with many of the new international students starting at UTS. If you’re interested in going on exchange or undertaking International Studies, these connections and the ability to communicate effectively with people from around the world can be highly beneficial.
Cross faculty social network
The Peer Network team is one of the few at UTS not determined by faculty – as such you will have the opportunity to meet and communicate with students from across a wide range of faculties! These relationships can give you great insight into the opportunities each field has to offer, and enhance your ability to work successfully in a diverse group of people.
Other Benefits
Free t-shirt
All Peer Networkers wear bright orange t-shirts so they’re easily identifiable and students can find them in a crowd. You’ll find wearing our famous orange t-shirts will increase your confidence and put you in a leadership position as new students will look to you for advice.