Thursday 20 February is World Day of Social Justice, an international celebration of efforts to promote social justice.
Social justice has a super important role at UTS. It's inherent in everything that we do, from research to pursuing excellence and pushing boundaries. Everyone in the UTS community can help us make an impact.
Our Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion is dedicated to driving social change at a university level, and we also have plenty of UTS led case studies demonstrating how social justice is everywhere!
The start of session is the perfect chance to get involved in uni life and what better way to get involved than by taking part in a social justice initiative? Here's how you can participate:
SOUL is a free social justice and leadership program for all students, run by CSJI. The two- part program consists of the SOUL badge and the SOUL award, which respectively involve 35 and 55 hours of social impact action, such as volunteering, advocacy work or community building. The programs also involves workshops, training and events to help you meet like-minded students and skill up to create meaningful change.
UTS Shopfront
Shopfront, which is also a part of CSJI, is a work integrated learning program that facilitates students completing projects for not-profit organisations as part of their coursework. A lot of this work goes out to the real world, with students creating strategies, reports, plans, videos and more. It's a perfect way for students to make a meaningful impact through their course.
UTSSA collectives
Collectives are like-minded communities which are part of the UTS Students' Association. Each collective offers a safe, supportive space for its community and brings positive change in both the university and wider community. From the Women’s collective to the Enviro collective and Ethnocultural collective, you're bound to find your place.
Get involved through your faculty
At UTS, social justice isn't just something you do outside of your studies or on the weekend (though that's important, too!). It's also weaved into your studies.
- Law students can participate in the Brennan Justice and Leadership program in addition to their studies. The free program allows students to engage with justice and social justice through lectures and discussion groups, as well as participating in volunteering opportunities in the community.
- Engineering students can get involved in the Engineers Without Borders (EWB) program at UTS. EWB creates change by using engineering to address humanitarian issues. EWB at UTS also runs humanitarian engineering conferences, competitions and school outreach for young people to learn about engineering.
Join clubs and societies
- Darlings: dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive and fun social environment for UTS's queer and allied students.
- Fashion ethics sustainability society: aims to change the way people approach fashion by focusing on sustainability and industry ethics.
- Red cross society: committed to humanitarian action, making change and extending a helping hand where it's needed most.
- The Big Lift: founded on the philosophy of "paying it forward" and committing to volunteering around Sydney and in regional towns.
- Vinnies society: provides a range of volunteering opportunities and facilitates student engagement with the hardships faced by communities most in need of support.
Volunteering opportunities
- Respect Now Always (RNA) is a campaign aimed at eliminating sexual harm and gender-based violence at Australian universities. Sign up to become an RNA champion.
- Champion wellbeing on campus by becoming an ActivateUTS wellbeing rep. You'll complete training in mental health to help you dismantle stigma, start meaningful conversations and support someone experiencing a mental health illness or mental health crisis.
We can't wait to see you make change, be social and have fun during your time at uni.