New to UTS? Welcome! We can’t wait to see you on campus soon.
To help you get ready for Autumn session, the UTS Student Centre is here to guide you through how to enrol in subjects in subjects and select your class timetable at this special webinar for new students.
What we'll cover
Topics in the webinar include:
- navigating your course handbook and structure
- how to enrol on subjects and choose your timetable
- answers to the most common enrolment questions
- what to do if you run into trouble.
You can also have your questions answered during the live Q&A session*.
Webinar details
4-5pm, Monday 3 Feb 2025
RSVP essential, register here.
* As this session provides general enrolment and timetabling advice, get in touch with the UTS Student Centre for complex enrolment or timetabling issues.
Can't wait for the webinar?
If you're ready to lock your subjects and timetable sooner rather than later (we get it – classes can fill up fast!), take a look at these handy video how-to guides for students:

Hi everyone.
In this video I'll show you how to enrol in subjects and choose your major.
Let's get started.
Go to your my Student Admin once you log in.
You will see this homepage.
Click on your subjects Tab and you will see your currently enrolled subjects.
In this example we're going to enrol in subjects for the following year.
Firstly click on enrol in subject, save the declaration form and it will take you to your study plan page.
If you can't find any subjects to enrol like in this example don't worry most of the time you just need to add your major or elective subjects on your study plan and your subjects will appear here.
If you're not sure about which subjects to enrol or what major stream you want to do you can click on the course program to view the structure of your degree in the UTS handbook.
In this example you can view the second-year subjects and the sequences here.
Okay let's go back to the study plan.
To add a major or subject please click on the choose button.
These are the options you can choose from.
Decide which one to do and click on the add to study plan button.
You can confirm the details of the major or subjects on the right.
Please note that depending on your Course once you save anything to your study plan you may not be able to change them so be careful and do your research on the UTS handbook before saving.
If you're okay with the option you selected click on save to study plan.
Now your new majoring subjects are on your study plan subjects showing enrol are available for enrolments.
Subjects with a planned status are not available for selection.
It means either the subject is full not offered or you don't currently meet its prerequisites.
You can check why it's not available by clicking on the unavailable or it requisites information links.
If you've been following the recommended subject sequence but the subject you need to enrol in is a core subject and full send an e-request to the Student Centre for further assistance.
Okay let's select and enrol in subjects.
Check the tick box, enrol for the subject you wish to enrol into.
This will highlight the subject in yellow.
If the subject is running in more than one session like this one it will display a drop down of available sessions.
Select the session you wish to take the subject.
When only one availability is appearing it means the subject is only available in the specific session or other sessions are already full.
You may see both block and internal modes come up.
The internal mode means it is a standard mode subject and the. subject is offered throughout the semester.
The block mode means it is an intensive study mode and normally offered within a shorter period.
When you've chosen your subjects for enrolment click enrol to continue the process.
Any selected subjects without issues will appear in yellow but if there is any error the system will give you a reason why you can't enrol in it.
In this example you don't currently meet the prerequisites.
Once you confirm the potential enrolment list, click on the confirm enrolment button.
All right now you're enrolled.
Repeat this process and complete your enrolment as per the recommended structure in the handbook.
We also strongly recommend you to enrol for the whole year including both Autumn and spring sessions.
For example if you leave the spring enrolment late many subjects may become full and you may not be able to choose a subject that you want.
For more information please visit the enrolling in subjects page on the UTS website or contact the UTS Student Centre.

Hello everyone. In this video, I will show you how to read, choose, and view your timetable. Let’s get started!
This video will assume that you have already enrolled into your subjects for the upcoming sessions. To check this, you can visit the Current Enrolments section within the Subjects tab on your My Student Admin.
Go to your myTimetable, choose the appropriate year, login with your student ID and password, and once you log in you will see this home page.
Now that you are in your myTimetable, you will be able to see all the subjects you are enrolled into in the upcoming calendar year.
Such as these subjects for Autumn and Spring. Under each of these subjects you may see multiple activities, some having lectures, tutorials, sections and seminars. Lots of subjects will have a variety of types and numbers of activities listed. You need to make sure that you have a time allocated under each of these activities.
If you do have a subject that has a section, you will need to decide on a section, and choose one option for every kind of class listed under that section. A subject coordinator may decide to implement sections for a number of different reasons, such as making sure the same students are on campus on the same day to help with group work.
In this example if we were to choose section 1, denoted by SC01, we wouldn’t be able to choose any of the times shown under section 2.
Your myTimetable can show a lot of information, so it will be best to get a good idea of what everything means.
First let’s take a look at the status bar just underneath your name.
This status bar will give us a quick breakdown of all the activities you have allocated, and how many you still have remaining. you should aim for this ‘Not allocated’ section to be zero by the end of video.
Now let's take a look at one of these subjects.
Above the name of the subject you will see a code that gives us some helpful information into the subject you are choosing a timetable for.
The first five digits in this code will show a code unique to that subjec, after that you see SPR, this signifies that you are enrolled into the subject for the Spring session, but this can also show AUT for Autumn, or SUM for Summer.
After this you will see a letter U. This signifies the campus in which the subject is taking place. Here you might see either U for Ultimo or MP for Moore Park.
And at the end you see a letter S. This signifies the subject’s study mode. In this case it shows us S which means this is a standard mode subject that will usually run the full length of a session. You may also see D for distance or online subjects, or B for block mode subjects, which are often run in shorter, more intensive study periods.
Now let's take a look at choosing a time for the Tutorial for the subject Managing People and Organisations (depending upon available subject in test environment).
Now that you have selected the tutorial, on the right it now shows us all the available times this class runs. It will give us the activity number, day, time, campus, location during session, duration, and any additional notes.
In this example there are a number of times available for this tutorial, and you can choose from any of them that show select. In some scenarios you may automatically get allocated into a time, usually if there is only one spot available.
In addition to seeing the message select, you may also see the button say full, indicating that the class has reached its capacity, or Clash, which means that the class is running at the same time as another once of your allocated subjects.
Let's choose this first available time.
In myTimetable, you can also view your timetable allocations in a calendar view. To do this click on the Timetable button in the top right.
This will show us all your allocated activities in a weekly breakdown. You can use the filter classes button to only show classes for a given session, or use the arrow buttons to jump through your calendar on a week by week basis.
By repeating the steps in this tutorial you should be able choose times for all of your classes for the upcoming year.
You can now also use this section to add your UTS timetable to your upcoming personal calendar.
For more information, please visit the My Timetable help guide on the UTS website, or contact the UTS student centre.