Spring session has just begun, so we’ve put together a few ways to ensure you set yourself up for success. Whether it’s your first session or your last, it’s never too late to get organised and get the most out of uni. The best part is none of these tips will take you long at all and you’ll have a few helpful sites bookmarked too!
1. Download and read your subject outlines
A subject outline for each subject is available to download from Canvas. It will provide detailed information about the subject, including:
it’s description
assessment tasks
required readings,
contact details for the subject coordinator
teaching staff.
Read it to feel prepared for your studies this session.
2. Pick up your study planners
Swing by the Student Learning Hub to pick up your study planners for the session or download them online. You can use the assessment planner to pop in important dates and assessment deadlines for each subject, and use the wall calendar to plan assignments, study sessions and self-care time. Don’t forget to bedazzle your planner and calendar with stickers!
3. Find a new study spot
Looking for a fresh studying spot for Spring? There’s plenty of spaces around campus to study, depending on whether you’re after a quiet zone, a spot with really comfy furniture or somewhere for group work. Try out different spaces to see what space suits you best.
4. Bookmark CareerHub
Looking for a job, internships or volunteering opportunities? Look no further than CareerHub! Bookmark this one-stop platform to see and apply for hundreds of positions and opportunities available to UTS students.
5. Get ready to reference
Save time and avoid losing easy marks with five referencing tips from the UTS Library. You can download the Library quick guides for the style you should be referencing in, and access referencing tools to help you collect and organise your references as you go.
6. Know where you can go for support
Check out how UTS can support you in both your academic and non-academic life at uni, including:
7. Check out clubs and societies
There’s no better way to make new friends, pursue new interests and have fun than by joining a new club. There’s an extensive list of clubs available to join, and there’s always new ones forming, like Model United Nations Society and REVERB this year. You’re also welcome to adopt or start your own club, and you can attend events and activities without signing up to clubs too!