Managing Partner, Greenwich Advisory
Ceremony: 2 May 2016, 10.30am
Good Afternoon Chancellor, Presiding Vice-Chancellor, Deans and Director and the Academic Board.
Good Afternoon to everyone here today, the friends and family of the graduating students and of course, to the Graduates themselves.
Ladies & gentleman, I acknowledge the land upon which we learn.
I pay my respects to the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation and to their elders who have guided them over the Dreamtime.
As a former UTS student, it is a thrill and honour to be asked to briefly speak to you today.
Since I graduated in 1991, I’ve been back to UTS many times and fulfilled various roles in different capacities:
- In my current Visiting Fellow capacity in the Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building
- As a guest lecturer, in project leadership and business strategy
- As a reviewer for course accreditation of the construction management degree
- & in the capacity of representing industry bodies such as the Australian Institute of Building and others
All of these roles are performed on an honorary basis and it just feels good to be involved.
One of the reasons why I undertook these roles, was that I wanted to give something back to the educational institution that gave me such a great start in my working life. UTS was the building block and I can assure you Graduates, it will also be the same for you.
I undertook these roles to create sustainable change for the future. It was my way of leaving my own legacy in connecting industry with education.
I recognised many years ago that leaving a legacy was not something that only older, wiser people did. There’s only one time to start doing something for others and deliver your own legacy. & that time is now.
I recognised that even though I was a normal everyday bloke working in the construction industry, I was unique with good things to offer the world. All of you are unique with many talents to offer. For many people though, there remains that little voice in their mind that will always hold them back.
Graduates, the key is to conquer your fears, stay true to yourselves, recognise your strengths and weaknesses and be humble enough to take advice.
Through my career, I’ve been presented with many opportunities in business. Some I pursued. Some I didn’t. Others I had to create myself through hard work, perseverance and an unwavering belief in my own ability.
What I’ve come to understand is how important it is to follow your instinct. I’ve had situations where because I wasn’t confident enough, I would go against my instinct to pursue or not pursue an opportunity, as the case may have been.
I have found that when I didn’t follow my instinct, invariably, I was wrong. Graduates, always find the courage to follow your instinct!
Many of you may not have a firm idea of the specifics of your initial career path. This is quite normal. And I can understand that it can be quite daunting. This is the time though to teach yourself to back your decisions. Have confidence that the path you ultimately choose will be the right one.
Coming from high school or as a mature age entrant, you made the decision to study at UTS in your chosen Faculty and are proudly graduating today. Keep backing yourselves and maintain the momentum in your career. That way, you’ll always feel valued that you are contributing to your chosen industry.
Through your career, you too will be presented with many opportunities. Make career choices based on doing what you enjoy, rather than what you endure.
Understand though, that who you are, is not what you do. And most importantly to uncover your talents, never let fear throw you off balance.
Three years ago, I was Chief Operating Officer of one of Australia’s largest privately owned commercial construction businesses. The business was doing well and I had no tangible reason to want to leave that business. My instinct though, was that it was time that I tested myself in a different environment. That was, to commence my own business, Greenwich Advisory.
I’ve never worked harder and at times, I’ve never been more scared of potential failure. But I maintained the belief that success will continue because I’m in business for the right reasons and I’m working with good people who have the same values and integrity as myself. Always surround yourself with like-minded people who are passionate about how you value success.
So Graduates, what is success? Success is measured in many different ways:
- Personal happiness,
- Contentment,
- Challenges for growth, and
- Financial success
When you recognise that the only person who can change your life is you, then you harness the power within to create sustainable change, have personal success and feel good about it.
In my early career I was focussed on how I could best make a living and enjoy working in my chosen field. There then came a point where I wanted to advance myself and be respected in the industry. After starting Greenwich Advisory, my focus was to make a living – sure – but I am acutely aware that the future of the industry are the faces that sit here before me today.
This year at Greenwich, we commenced an industry wide mentor program which is called ibuild our future. This program connects senior leaders from the market to act as mentors with UTS students to help them with their career choices.
Greenwich was founded on the principals of exceptional customer service together with an inherent obligation to give something back to the community in a way which creates positive, long term change. We aim to increase prosperity and social equity for Australia. We’ve achieved this through leadership initiatives which are being provided to a national Indigenous owned construction & services business.
So as each of you leave this stage of your learning, think about your own legacy and how you can change your corner of the world for the better.
As described by the 13th Century scholar, Rumi:
"You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness.”
Congratulations Graduates. You should be very proud of yourselves.
I wish you all the joy and success in the service that you’ll provide in your chosen path.
Thank you and Good Afternoon.
About the Speaker
Chris Bulmer is the Managing Partner of Greenwich Advisory, a business strategy and corporate real estate advisory service to a number of national and international businesses, as well as the New South Wales State Government.
Chris has been involved in lease management, business management, asset management, capital transactions, and construction and development for over 31 years across the public and private sectors.
He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and The Australian Institute of Building, an Associate of the Australian Property Institute, and a member of Australian Institute of Project Management. He is currently a Visiting Fellow and a member of the Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building Advisory Board.
He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science from UTS, and a Graduate Diploma in Land Economics from the University of Western Sydney.