Short extensions
Get an automatic 72-hour extension on your Canvas assignment.
What is a short extension?
A short extension allows you to extend your assignment deadline by 72 hours (3 days) for most Canvas assignments. It’s granted instantly, with no approval or documentation required. Make sure you apply before the assignment is due (up to 14 days in advance).
Read on for details on how to apply, eligible assignments and late penalties.
Eligible assessments
Short extensions are available for most assignments in Canvas.
Automated short extensions are not available for:
in-class assessment tasks
For assignments where an automatic short extension is not available and you wish to request a short extension without any extenuating circumstances or documentation, contact your subject coordinator.
How to apply
Individual assignments
Follow these steps to secure an automatic 72 hour (3 day) extension.
Complete and submit your application sometime during the 14 days before an assignment is due.
Log into Canvas. Go to your subject site, then navigate to 'Assignment Extensions'.
Select the Canvas assignment (you don’t need to select a due date).
Select a reason for your extension request.
Click ‘Submit Request’.
The new due date for the assignment will be updated on Canvas. You can also check your UTS email account for an email confirming your new due date.
If an extension for an assignment isn't visible in Canvas, its either:
too soon to apply (try again 14 days before an assessment is due)
the assignment isn't available in Canvas yet (try again when the assessment becomes available in Canvas)
an ineligible assignment type (see eligible assignments on this page).
Group assignments
For group work assignments, all members of the group should agree that an extension is needed.
To apply:
1 member of the group must complete steps 1-5 above.
The same group member must email the subject coordinator, cc'ing in the other group members, informing them of the short extension.
Penalties for late assignments
Marks will be deducted for assignments submitted late without an extension applied.
The penalty is 5% of the possible marks available each day, up to a maximum of 35% (7 calendar days late), in line with the UTS Coursework Assessments Procedure.
If circumstances prevented you from requesting an extension before the assignment was due, email your subject coordinator. You may need to request special consideration.