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UTS Electric Car

The UTSME:20 Bianca racing car

UTS Electric Car explained

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UTS Motorsports Electric Car Project was established in 1999 as UTS Motorsports, the team has competed 10 times in the competition with an internal combustion car.  
The team consists of undergraduate and postgraduate students from the various disciplines of engineering as well as science, business and information technology. Furthermore, the team is supported by several academics and university consultants that assist the students with issues they may encounter. 

Some of the learning opportunities the project provides are: 

  • Develop practical knowledge and provide invaluable experience for students across all faculties through the design and manufacture of a small Formula-style electric race car. 
  • Collaboration with the industry by running marketing activities and outreach program that raise the status of UTS as a leading technology University. 
  • Inspiring way to create a vision of the future. 
  • Opportunity to work in new heights in academic and social development.  

Learning opportunities

  • Technical, research, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 
  • Collaboration, personal management to independently plan, organize, create and execute. 
  • Creativity and technology skills. 

Applicable knowledge

Students from any program can apply.  

How many places are available?

There are ten (10) student positions available.

Why is this important?

Being part of this team project provides students opportunities to create job-ready skills, increasing productivity and boosting research. This project can inspire, produce leaders and innovators, contribute to industry, potentially connect with partnership opportunities as well as sponsorship. There are so many facets to this project, which allow students to be exposed to different areas and or focus on specialised areas of interest. 

Project leaders