Facilities and campus security
Building services
For maintenance and repair issues (e.g. leaking taps) contact building services on: 9514 7477
Security enquiries
For general enquiries phone: 9514 1192
For locks and keys: locksnkeys@uts.edu.au
For lost and found: lostnfound@uts.edu.au
For building access: security.access@uts.edu.au
For general security matters: security.general@uts.edu.au
Campus security offices
In an emergency:
dial 6 (internal telephones) or ph: 1800 249 559
Building 1, Level 4 (CB01.04.12)
Ext: 1192/3 or 02 9514 1192/3
Building 8, Level 2
Ext: 7274 or 02 9514 7274