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Partner with us

At C3, we work closely with industry, community and research partners to deliver across the spectrum of environmental, marine, biotechnology and circular economy applications.  

Our partnerships

  • Industry 

    We work with corporate, government and not-for-profit organisations to deliver real-world biotechnology, marine science and informatics solutions. 

  • Community 

    We deliver research projects that lead to better informed communities and sustainable outcomes in a changing climate. 

  • Researcher 

    We foster a collaborative research culture and have deep connections with world-leading research institutes. 

Some of our industry partners 

C3 work with leading corporates, government agencies, small-to-medium enterprises, not for profits and research organisations. 

Airseed, CSIRO, Cytiva, Department of Primary Industries, DOW, Marine National Facility
Pacific Biotechnologies Logo


MLA Meat and Livestock Australia, V2 Food, Viet - UC Group, Young Henrys, ZSL Let's work for wildlife, Siemens
Two C3 scientists in a lab facing each other

Our facilities 

C3 has several key research facilities to drive integrated and interdisciplinary research, including biologics innovation, algae biotechnology and microbial imaging technology. 

Explore our research

  • Our research areas

    Find out more about C3 research programs across algae, coral reefs and marine microbiology.

  • Algae biotechnology 

    Working with industry to develop algae and their derivates into innovative green and clean technologies

    Algae in bag room
  • Future reefs 

    Studying how environmental conditions influence reef-forming corals and how to better preserve and re-build healthy reefs

    Dr Emma Camp diving on a reef conducting her research
  • Ocean microbiology 

    Understanding how ocean microorganisms are influenced by, and influence, oceanographic processes and marine ecosystems

    Close up of gloved hand holding Petri dish
  • Productive coasts 

    Exploring how photosynthetic organisms respond to natural and human changes in their environment

    Scientist uses net to collect ocean samples

    Find out more about C3 research programs across algae, coral reefs and marine microbiology.

Contact us

t: +61 2 9514 4203

Building 4, Room CB04.06.337
745 Harris Street
Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia

Industry/Research Engagement enquiries
Dr Alex Thomson +61 2 9514 8332