Climate change has now gathered such momentum that even if global warming was limited to 1.5oC, the Great Barrier Reef will continue to be damaged from coral bleaching, according to a collective of scientists and reef managers from key Australian universities and institutes.
Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) Research Scientist Dr Ken Anthony, lead author in an article published by Nature Ecology & Evolution, says reef corals and the thousands of species they provide habitat for need all the help they can get to survive climate change. The article outlines a range of new reef restoration and adaptation technologies to help protect reefs around the world in a time of climate change.
"Climate change will change coral reefs, but if we can preserve coral species that provide critical habitat for fish and other species then we might help sustain their ecological, tourism and fisheries value," Dr Anthony said.
Associate Professor David Suggett from UTS:C3, a co-author of the paper says that given the uncertain future for emissions reductions what is needed is the best portfolio of management strategies "ready to go".
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