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Zero hunger

Here are some examples of our work at UTS contributing towards SDG 2.

About SDG 2: Zero hunger

Around 9 per cent of the global population or 697 million people suffer from insecure food supplies, with the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbating the problem. Improving agricultural output is part of the solution, along with removing trade and food distribution systems that distort fair and equitable access to food for everyone.

The UTS Business School works on ways to make global trade and markets operate more fairly. On campus, we are especially proud of our Bluebird Brekkie and Night-owl Noodle Bar, an award-winning initiative providing free food. Run by students for students, this large pop-up bar serves more than 4000 meals to students per week – healthy, nutritious food for free.

planting seedlings

Improving food security and regional community resilience 

Building food system security and resilience in the Northern Rivers NSW


SDG students sitting at tables eating food

UTS Bluebird Brekkie and Noodle Bar

An initiative run by students for students, the pop-up Bluebird Brekkie and Night-owl Noodle Bar provides free healthy sustainable food for students four times per week.