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Your Home: award-winning design for lifestyle and future

A house in Australia that has been designed to be eco-friendly

Your Home is a multiple-award-winning guide, published by ISF in collaboration with the Commonwealth Government. It provides comprehensive, expert, and independent advice on designing, building, and buying sustainable housing, including new homes and renovations. It is the first Australian guide to sustainable housing aimed at ordinary householders as well as building professionals.

Your Home features:

  • The Your Home Technical Manual, which provides practical and accessible advice, with over 80 topic-based fact sheets and a series of case studies from around Australia. The technical manual has received two national awards and has become an integral part of building industry training programs.
  • The Your Home Renovator's Guide, which outlines the process of home renovation, explaining what to look for and the important questions to ask.
  • The Your Home Buyer's Guide, which outlines the process of choosing a new home step-by-step, explaining what to look for and the important questions to ask.

Your Home is periodically updated to keep the information current. The guide is now on its fifth edition, with an updated and improved sixth edition due for release in 2021.

Your Home is the authoritative go-to guide for the public, attracting over 1 million visitors per year year to its online version and selling approximately 120 copies of the print version each month.



Your Home guide - (Website)



  • 2000-


  • Australian Greenhouse Office


Icon for SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 11. 

Read about ISF's SDG work