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Tenancy Rights

  • About the Video

    The current rental crisis has seen prices up, conditions down, and renters out of homes. Join our social justice advocates, as we talk about Tenancy Law rights! We will speak about legal information young renters need to know, how the human right to housing is being eroded in the current rental market, and how law and policy can be reformed to improve renters rights. In considering the current rental crisis, how does a justice-based perspective help address the right to housing?

    Panel Members:

    • UTS Law alumna and Brennan Awardee Rachael Polt-Cai (Marrickville Legal Centre Tenancy Advocate and Legal Tech rep)

    • Justin Abi Daher (Head of the Inner West Tenancy Service and Assistant Principal Solicitor)

    • Associate Professor Linda Przhedetsky (Strategic AI, at the UTS Human Technology Institute, where she leads the Skills Lab)