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Sustainable cities and communities

As an urban university located in the city centre UTS has a strong commitment to making cities more sustainable. Here are some examples of our work contributing towards SDG 11.

About Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

Worldwide more than 1 billion people live in slums. Safe and affordable housing, transport, and effective water and waste management are essential for individuals, communities and cities to develop to their full potential. Urbanization when it is well planned, governed and financed can benefit everyone. Urbanization done poorly exacerbates inequality, degrades the environment and erodes social harmony.

UTS is located in Sydney’s CBD technology and innovation precinct. In addition to our research we collaborate with our neighbours to forge new approaches to living and working in the city, from precinct recycled water sharing with our neighbours, to rooftop gardens, on-site waste processing, and piloting new ‘smart city’ digital connections using the inter-net of things.

Water view with water bird

Sydney Olympic Park Pilot Irrigation System 

Award winning project enabling advances towards urban cooling and water efficiency while maintaining Sydney’s green spaces.



Proposed design for the suburb of Granville

Granville Smart Precincts Pilot Project

This project used SMART technology, on-ground community participation, intelligence-driven re-design and socio-economic projections to enhance the liveability, sustainability and productivity of the Sydney suburb of Granville. 


Town from above tile

Micro Climate Assessment (Canberra)

This project provides a Guide to assist urban planners, developers, designers, land managers and policy decision-makers to assess the microclimate of development areas and mitigate existing and future urban heat and cold through appropriate urban design and planning considerations.