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Social practice evaluation of the Smarter Choice Program

Home appliances and energy efficiency rating

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage engaged ISF to conduct a broad, social practice theory evaluation of its Smarter Choice energy efficiency appliance program.

Smarter Choice is a retailer partnership program delivered in NSW that seeks to influence consumer purchasing decisions towards more energy-efficient household appliances, and more sustainable hardware choices. The program delivered training and materials to sales staff in electrical appliance and hardware stores so that they were more able to engage customers in conversations about energy efficiency and sustainability. Social practice theory recognises that people do not make rational decisions. In this case, shoppers do not weigh up all options dispassionately and work out which appliance will deliver them the greatest utility. Instead, social practice theory focuses on the diverse social and material influences on behaviour and the dynamics between them.

The evaluation explored three interrelated social practices that are crucial to the effectiveness of the Smarter Choice Program:

  1. consumer shopping practices;
  2. retailer sales practices; and
  3. program delivery practices.

Research was conducted via surveys, interviews, and focus groups. It resulted in clear and actionable recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the program, including uptake by retailers and influence on consumers.


  • Professor and Research Director
  • Laura Wynne
    Laura Wynne
  • Senior Research Consultant
  • Emma Partridge
  • Jade Herriman


  • 2014-2015


  • NSW Office of Environment and Heritage