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Quality education

Here are some examples of our work at UTS contributing towards SDG 4.

About SDG 4: Quality education

Globally, 53% of the adult population has basic level 1 literacy or lower. Even in Australia, one of the wealthiest countries, approximately 12% of adults sit at the bottom literacy level. Providing access to free high-quality school education and supporting children and their families during schooling is critical.

The UTS Education School trains teaches for schools throughout Australia, the Pacific and beyond. Our Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research supports the academic, social, cultural and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students studying at UTS.

preschool craft

Murrin Bridge Preschool Community Hub

An extension to the existing Murrin Bridge Preschool, creating a 'one-stop-shop' for residents to access services, participate in community events and reconnect with culture.


Various STEM icons in hexagonal boxes on a dark blue background

STEM X Schools Outreach Program

Girls studying STEM