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Peace, justice and strong institutions

Here are some examples of our work at UTS contributing towards SDG 16.

About SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

Peaceful and just societies are essential if we are to achieve sustainability. Solid legal frameworks and strong institutions underpin inclusive, just communities. Unfortunately, institutions are currently under increasing attack and conflict is on the rise, including in wealthy nations. In Australia, reconciliation with, and justice for, First Nations people is paramount. Australia also has an important role to play supporting and collaborating at an institutional level with neighbours in the Asia/Pacific.

The UTS Faculty of Law in collaboration with the UNSW Faculty of Law hosts the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII), a free open access resource on Australian legal information which is accessed more than 700,000 times daily. Below are some other examples of our contribution and impact.

Facial scanning

NSW Digital Identity

UTS’s Human Technology Institute helps strengthen the safety, reliability, and trustworthiness of NSW’s Digital ID implementation. 


Wooden gavel on desk

AustLII – free access to law

Providing free access to Australasian legal information for everyone.