Why take this class?
During the Millennium Drought, urban water utilities and government agencies directed extensive resources towards water efficiency programs across Australia. Since then, there has been a perception that there are limited remaining opportunities to reduce water demand or that it is not economic to do so. This could not be further from the truth. Large cost-effective water saving remains to be found and a new generation of digital metering and water-efficient technologies now are available.
By looking at what can be learned from the successes of the past, as well as the latest smart and efficient technology of the present, this course will give attendees the tools they need to unlock a new generation of water savings and save energy, greenhouse gases and money at the same time.
The course is built around the NSW Governments new Water Efficiency Framework with experts in demand analytics, water auditing, water efficiency options, program design and water security planning.
What will you learn?
- analysis of water demand, particularly smart meter data
- current end-use and sectoral water use understandings
- water auditing from non-residential buildings
- water balance modelling and option analysis
- new generation options and program design
- evaluation of savings
- the context and rationale for water efficiency
- water efficiency and water resilience – efficiency as key to water security
- water efficiency in Australia and the Pacific.
Who is this course for?
This course has an Australian focus but also address New Zealand and the pacific. It will be useful to a range of water industry and Government professionals:
- sustainability, resilience or water efficiency officers in water utilities and councils
- water planners and demand forecasters in water utilities and councils
- facilities or sustainability managers with responsibilities for offices, commercial, or institutional buildings
- engineering consultants
- students looking to work in the water efficiency space.
Course format/features
Online tutorial sessions plus on-site practical water audit session.
Speakers and facilitators
Dr Simon Fane, Associate Professor, ISF
Simon has been a water and sustainable infrastructure researcher, policymaker and advocate for over 20 years. He is recognised as an expert in adaptive planning, water energy nexus issues, and options assessment and water efficiency. Simon provides technical and policy advice to State and Commonwealth Government departments and has led major projects with utilities and a spectrum of non-government organisations.
Pierre Mukheibir, Professor of Water Futures, ISF
Pierre is a professionally registered civil engineer with 25 years’ experience in the water sector. Pierre currently leads research on options analysis projects related to water supply and demand planning, including drought response strategies. Pierre is currently working in the Pacific with the World Bank on a multi year project to develop demand analytics and water efficiency in Fiji.
Jay Falletta, Senior Data Analysst, ISF
Jay has a background in ecology and mathematics. Within the ISF research team, Jay combines his expertise in statistics and coding to model demand and evaluate programs. His role mainly encompasses statistical analysis, data visualisation and the creation of sharable models/tools.
Dr Rachael Watson, Principle Policy Officer, NSW Department of Planning and Environment
Rachel is an experienced water resources specialist with expertise in integrated water planning, policy and regulation. She has almost twenty years’ engineering and research experience in water, wastewater, stormwater and environmental assessment. Rachel lead the development of the NSW water efficiency framework.
Adam Jones, Principal Engineer/Water Efficiency Lead, BMT
Adam’s 18 years of detailed water efficiency analysis and auditing has provided him with industry leading skills and experience in water efficiency and management. He has completed hundreds of water efficiency audits for office commercial and industrial sites throughout Australia and developed strategic water use plans for a wide range of large organisations. Adam is co-chair of the AWA’s Water Efficiency Specialist network.