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MyTown outputs

The Heyfield MyTown Microgrid project aims to undertake a detailed data-led microgrid and energy solutions feasibility study for the town of Heyfield (Victoria), built on a platform of deep community engagement and capacity building. Over the three-year duration, the project will also develop the knowledge and tools to make it faster, easier, and more cost effective for other regional communities to understand the microgrid and other energy solution propositions for their community.

The reports below are grouped into the three phases of the project:

Project Phase 1 – Initiation, data deployment, community engagement and business model options

Project Phase 2 – Intensifying the technical options assessments, data deployment and first lessons learnt

Project Phase 3 – Finalisation of the project and next steps for Heyfield and other communities

Project Phase 1: Initiation, data deployment, community engagement and business model options

cover of mytown report 1

Community Engagement Report (2022) (Report)     
This document summarises the community engagement since the inception of the project and provides some lessons learnt for other communities.




Cover of mytown report 2

Data Sampling Design Plan (2022)

The Data Sampling Design Plan was developed to map out the participants by type, location and size, and to define the type of data to capture and technical parameters of the monitoring equipment and recruitment process.




Cover of report

Data Monitoring Deployment Report 1.0 (2022) (Report)

This document builds on the Data Sampling Design Plan to detail the experience deploying the monitoring devices into the Heyfield community between 1 January 2021 and 30 June 2021.





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Business Model Scan & Market and Regulatory Review Report (2022) (Report)     
This document summarises the community engagement since the inception of the project and provides some lessons learnt for other communities.




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Conceptual Data and Analytical Framework (2022) (Report)     
This document summarises the community engagement since the inception of the project and provides some lessons learnt for other communities.




Project Phase 2 – Intensifying the technical options assessments, data deployment and first lessons learnt

MyTown Microgrid report cover

Energy Options Report (2022) (Report)     
This report provides the foundation for further analysis of local energy options, to see whether options meet community aspirations, and are feasible, viable, and desirable. It covers the process used to arrive at these options, provides a rough assessment of each option and identifies those that could play a significant role in Heyfield. It provides more detailed parameters for those that could play a significant role. Lastly it aims to provide guidance for future communities on how to identify options suitable for their own circumstances.



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Microgrid boundary Options Report (2022) (Report)     
This report shows potential boundaries for a microgrid in Heyfield, and was needed in order to conduct a feasibility study for the microgrid itself.





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Microgrid Initial Feasibility Results (2022) (Report)     
This report is provides the initial techno-economic feasibility study for a Heyfield microgrid. It aims to guide the project team and community in which local energy solutions should be the subject of more detailed technical and costing analysis.





MyTown Microgrid report cover

Residential Load Profiles (2023) (Report)     
This report provides typical load and sub-load profiles derived from energy monitoring devices in Heyfield. The load profiles provide information about the average electricity consumption patterns of the community, including peak loads and low energy usage times.






MyTown Excel report

Dataset of Residential Load Profiles (2023) (Excel workbook)     
The datasets in this workbook provide seasonal-mean daily (24-hour) load profiles for residential customers in Heyfield, Victoria, derived from 107 Wattwatchers devices installed in 96 houses in Heyfield.






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Load Flexibility and Control (2023) (Report)     
This report describes the economic potential of residential load flexibility for Heyfield stakeholders, including solar and non-solar householders, energy retailers, the network business, and the supporting technologies for implementation. It summarises the findings obtained from modelling load shifting scenarios for key flexible loads.





MyTown Microgrid report cover

Neighbourhood Batteries in Heyfield - Economic Analysis (2023) (Report)     
This report outlines the economic potential of neighbourhood batteries for Heyfield stakeholders, including solar and non-solar householders, energy retailers, and the network business. It summarises the findings from modelling community battery scenarios for a residential feeder in Heyfield and at a commercial premise (the pub).





MyTown Microgrid report cover

Neighbourhood Batteries in Heyfield - Technical Analysis of Impacts and Benefits (2023) (Report)     
This report is complementary to the economic analysis of neighbourhood batteries in Heyfield. It evaluates the technical feasibility of integrating batteries on the selected low-voltage feeders. Specifically, it evaluates the potential of neighbourhood batteries to support the distribution grid and increase the amount of solar which can be added to the system without violating the limits of the distribution grid.


Project Phase 3 – Finalisation of the project and next steps for Heyfield and other communities 

MyTown FINAL report 2023 cover

Heyfield Microgrid and Local Energy Options Feasibility 
– Final Report (2023) (Report)     
This report is a summary of the entire project that draws on the various outputs published over its three-year duration.
