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Lithgow's electric car parks

EV charging station

Transport is a fundamental infrastructure that significantly influences social and economic outcomes for communities and households. However, the sector is on the precipice of a period of profound change as governments, consumers, and businesses seek to eliminate their carbon emissions from travel.

Recognising the importance of local government in the goal of transport decarbonisation, the NSW Government provided funding to support them in encouraging the adoption of EVs within their communities.

Lithgow City Council in collaboration with the Lithgow Community Power Project successfully bid for funds to prepare a strategy and business case for the installation of EV charging infrastructure at key points within the Lithgow LGA. Lithgow Community Power Project and the Council worked with the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) to estimate future demand for publicly available charge points and the best ways to meet this demand. 

The strategy identifies where destination charge points should be located, the type of charge points to install, how many to install, and when their installation should take place. The strategy calls for monitoring the performance of charge points once they are in use, to inform future planning. Business cases were also explored with the most suitable for Lithgow City Council and the community identified.

This first tranche of charge points will be increased to bring numbers up to fifty-eight medium-speed and six fast charge points by 2026.

With assistance from State and Federal Government EV charging grants, Lithgow is set to have one of the most comprehensive public EV charging networks of any local government area in the country, benefiting local residents as well as long distance EV travellers.







Lithgow City Council


Icon for SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy
Icon for SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Icon for SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goals 7, 9 and 11.

Read about ISF's SDG work