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Inclusive Place-based Planning for LGBTQIA+ Communities

People walking over a rainbow crossing

An inclusive city is one that mirrors its people. A clear understanding of how different groups use and contribute to their urban environment ensures that city planners can design urban spaces that are vibrant, welcoming and safe for all who use them.

Recent years have seen a growing interest in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Gender Diverse, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and other sexual minority (LGBTQIA+) communities and their experiences of places. But research to date has been limited, focusing mainly on LGBTQIA+ people in inner city areas and on a limited range of sexual identities. We know that LGBTQIA+ communities are more diverse than this, and that many LGBTQIA+ voices have yet to be heard on this issue.

This project for the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) aims to correct this problem, by working closely with LGBTQIA+ communities across each of the Six Cities within the Region.

Over the coming months, researchers from UTS, Western Sydney University and UNSW, alongside colleagues from Arup, will work in close partnership with LGBTQIA+ communities in:

  • Central Coast City
  • Central River City
  • Eastern Harbour City 
  • Illawarra-Shoalhaven City
  • Lower Hunter and Greater Newcastle City
  • Western Parkland City

Community members will be invited to contribute their thoughts via an online survey and in a series of focus groups, stakeholder interviews and deliberative workshops. At the same time, the project team will review current policy and legislation.

The insights gathered throughout the project will form the basis of a toolkit for government and developers to use to recognise diverse perceptions and connections to place, support equitable access to local infrastructure, achieve greater social equity, and enhance safety and mobility.

Help to make your community more inclusive!

Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ communities living and/or working in the Greater Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong area? If so, we want to hear from you!

Our Inclusive Spaces project is all about working with communities to find out what they want and need to feel included, connected and safe in their local areas. 

We warmly invite you to take part in a short 15-minute survey about what makes you feel included, safe and at home in a place. Your answers will help local, state, and federal governments plan policies and infrastructure that includes our diverse LGBTQIA+ communities. It’ll take around 15 minutes to complete, and participants go into a draw to win 1 of 3 $100 Visa gift cards!

Find out more at:





Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI)


Healthy Urban Environments (HUE) Clinical Academic Group

Western Sydney University

University of New South Wales

Arup Group


Icon for SDG 3 Good health and well-being
Icon for SDG 5 Gender equality

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 5. 

Read about ISF's SDG work