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The future of water smart homes in Greater Sydney

A person's hand turning off a water tap

As Sydney enters a period in which challenges associated with population growth, drought, an ageing  population, urban heat and more extreme weather events are accelerating, emerging technological  capabilities offer an opportunity to reconsider and reimagine how water is used to meet the needs of the city into the future. 

However, the effects of these technologies on water practices across different communities and water systems are still uncertain and will be significantly guided by the decisions of utilities, technology providers, governments and other stakeholders in the next few years.  

Sydney Water commissioned ISF to explore the potential challenges and opportunities associated with water-connected smart technologies that may emerge for water systems and users in Greater, and particularly Western, Sydney in the near future.   

Based on in-depth community and industry engagement, ISF developed innovative visual narratives with Parallel Lines design studio, to help Sydney Water navigate the key considerations and decision points that are likely to emerge with the implementation of water-connected smart technologies across household, building and precinct scales.  

The findings will help support decision-making to ensure that digital transformation generates positive outcomes for water conservation, wastewater and stormwater systems, and diverse water users into the future.  

The Water smart homes in Greater Sydney: A field guide for the future report presents research from Stream 2 of a three-part project exploring how smart technologies may transform water use practices in commercial buildings and homes in Greater Sydney, and particularly new areas in Western Sydney, over the next 10 years.



  • 2019-2021


  • Western Sydney, Sydney, Sydney based



  • Sydney Water Corporation


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This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goals 11.

Read about ISF's SDG work