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Energy pathways

The Paris Climate Agreement aims to hold global warming to well below 2.0°C and to “pursue efforts” to limit it to 1.5°C. To accomplish this, countries have submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) outlining their post-2020 climate actions. The aim of the One Earth Climate Model(OECM) research project is to develop practical pathways to achieve the Paris climate goals in an economically feasible and sustainable manner.

The OECM is an integrated energy assessment model to develop decarbonisation pathways for islands, countries, regions, or globally.  

Scenario studies are an important way of linking expected or assumed anthropogenic activities and their resulting emissions with environmental effects, such as global warming. They also provide important insights into the techno-economic, societal, and political options and their various effects. Therefore, they are widely used to analyse possible carbon-emissions pathways, to guide decision-makers, and to motivate or justify interventions and developments.

However, comprehensive, transparent, and robust results and conclusions are crucial for such decision-making. Ideally, this information will come from scenario studies that investigate a broad range of possible conditions and available options. Such studies must adopt a holistic approach and integrate comprehensive state-of-the-art background knowledge, including about the impacts of sectoral and technological changes, the influence of market developments, and the effects of certain pathways.

The primary objective of the OECM research is to provide a holistic picture of what will be involved in the transition to 100% renewable energy. This report examines power, heat, and fuel supplies on a global scale. Its main focus is on the role of efficiency and renewable energies. We aim to contribute a different and complementary view of the global transition to renewable energy.