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Developing the future energy workforce

Two female energy workers in hi-vis jackets and hard hats stand in front of wind turbines

Recognising that the energy workforce is critical to Australia's clean energy transition, ISF joined with the Energy Efficiency Council, Monash University, Australian Power Institute, Climate-KIC Australia, EnergyLab, and Ultima Capital to undertake an opportunity assessment for RACE for 2030 to address fundamental questions about Australia’s energy sector.

We wanted to know how exactly to measure and project the workforce (both traditional and emerging energy jobs), and how training and skills can be designed to be fit for the future. We also sought to understand how to the strengthen Australia’s innovation pathways.

The results have been compiled into an opportunity assessment, which describes a pathway to understanding the present and future energy workforce and market size in Australia, including:

  • The current value of the energy sector,
  • The total number of jobs and the breakdown by sub-sector, location, job-type, and demographics in the current energy workforce
  • The expected workforce growth needed for a clean energy transition, including the detailed breakdown by location and type
  • The occupations and skills that are going to be required
  • How to deliver the training needed to support the development of those skills
  • How innovation pathways can be strengthened to support Australia’s energy transition.

Our findings and recommendations include priority research projects for developing the future energy workforce for the duration of the RACE for 2030 research program, including consideration of relevant barriers and solutions.
