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Decent work and economic growth

UTS has a strong commitment to ending modern slavery globally. Here are some examples of our work contributing towards SDG 8.

About SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

Informal and insecure work accounts for over 60% of employment globally. In many countries including Australia women and young people are disproportionally represented. The COVID pandemic has exacerbated the problem, tipping people into poverty in many parts of the world. A renewed focus on support systems, working conditions, and job security and creation is more vital now than ever.

UTS hosts Anti-Slavery Australia and is strongly committed to abolishing all forms of forced labour, child labour, and modern slavery. Supporting unions in the workplace and our strong employment agreements provide protections to our own staff, and UTS researchers specialise in developing and advocating for secure employment for everyone everywhere.

fruit picker

Breaking the Silence

Federal government to introduce world-first visa protections for exploited migrant workers, implementing UTS Law Professor’s evidence-based recommendations.


Worker picking cherries

Anti-Slavery Australia

Empowering survivors of modern slavery to access justice and rebuild their lives.