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COVID-19 and food systems in the Indo-Pacific

Fresh fruit and vegetables with labels

Emergency responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have had dramatic impacts in the Indo-Pacific region. The COVID-19 shock has reverberated through food systems since its onset in early 2020, exposing and amplifying existing vulnerabilities. Smallholder farmers and fishers have had to react deftly and creatively as the situation unfolds, responding within the constraints of their local circumstances. Women, girls and other vulnerable groups have been hardest hit.

In this Australian Government commissioned study, ISF worked with a team from ANU and CSIRO to analyse the impacts of COVID-19 on Indo-Pacific food systems. The study comprised five assessments, focusing on the first six months of the pandemic (January – July 2020) in Indonesia, seven Pacific island countries, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and Timor-Leste. Using a resilience and shocks framework, we identified areas of intervention to support food security resilience to future shocks.

The report provides a basis for planning future research and development to support food systems resilience in the Indo-Pacific region, primarily from the perspective of smallholder farmers and fishers.



  • 2020


  • Australian National University