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Assessing corporate sustainability for investors

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Since 2016, ISF has delivered eight research projects for the Sustainable Funds Group of Stewart Investors, a UK-based firm with offices in Singapore and Australia. Stewart Investors' investment philosophy is founded on the concept of stewardship – careful, considered management of their clients' funds over time. 

Stewart's Sustainable Funds Group primarily invests in the equity of listed companies in emerging economies, focusing on long-term returns rather than short-term earnings. These companies include major multinationals with the ability to significantly influence sustainability outcomes across their value chains and – indeed – entire markets.

The work ISF has carried out for Stewart Investors includes:

Sustainability performance assessment for palm oil producers (2019-2020)

ISF assessed the sustainability performance of nine key palm oil producers and their change over the past 10 years. This included environmental criteria for deforestation, biodiversity, pest management and emissions, social criteria for decent work, community impacts and land rights and governance criteria for responsible sourcing, transparency and conflict and grievance mechanisms.

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Improving gender diversity in companies (2018-2019)

Delivered in partnership with the UTS Business School, this research analysed initiatives to improve gender diversity in companies. The report outlines initiatives and tools put in place by governments and companies to achieve the best results in terms of creating equal employment opportunities and inclusive workplaces.

Read related news article Inspiring initiatives light the way for women at work

Multinational corporations and subsidiaries (2018-2019)

Delivered in partnership with the UTS Business School, this research examined 10 multinational corporations (MNCs) that have partly-owned subsidiaries and explored the relationship between the MNC, as majority or controlling shareholder, and the minority shareholders of the subsidiary.

Ecosystem impacts of phosphorus and surfactants in consumer products (2018)

This research explored how consumer goods companies contribute to nutrient pollution and impact ecosystems, through use of personal care products (shampoo and soap), laundry detergents, dishwashing detergents and other cleaning products. 

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Addressing plastic pollution in India (2018)

In partnership with Stewart Investors and Helen Lewis Consulting, ISF delivered a Forum of some of the largest local and multi-national consumer goods companies in Mumbai, India. Alongside industry and academic experts, business representatives had the opportunity for meaningful discussion, to share knowledge and develop actions to reduce plastic packaging pollution in India.

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Chemical management for consumer products (2017-18)

This project assessed best practice on corporate hazardous chemical management by companies in emerging markets.

Sustainable supply chain relationships (2017-18)

This project explored the nature of the relationships between retail companies and their supply chains. The project developed a framework to assess which retailers are leading the field in developing robust supplier relationships, including support for dealing with emerging environmental issues, resource constraints and social issues.

Read the report

Packaging sustainability in consumer companies in emerging markets (2016)

This project, developed a framework and criteria to evaluate the packaging sustainability performance of consumer companies in emerging markets. The research report provides an assessment of the performance of 16 companies.

We have commissioned research on sustainability issues from every continent. ISF are at the top in terms of inter-disciplinary skills and experience, creating new ways to analyse and understand issues, and delivering projects. Whether they are facilitating a day with business leaders in India or writing new research based upon analysis and meetings with a range of multi-national corporates, we would recommend partnering with ISF to better understand a sustainable future.

— Sustainable Funds Group, Stewart Investors


Additional researchers:

  • Alice Klettner (UTS Business School)
  • Thomas Clarke  (UTS Business School)


  • 2016-2020


  • Stewart Investors


Icon for SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth

This project is working towards UN Sustainable Development Goal 8. 

Read about ISF's SDG work