With 100 percent of all gifts going directly to your chosen area of support, leaving a bequest to UTS creates a meaningful long-term impact, and is quick and easy to arrange.

I'm passionate about universities. There isn't enough money. I think we have to-I’m passionate about providing opportunities for
all individuals to have the opportunity to consider tertiary education, going to a university. So my passion is not in the bricks and the mortar, in providing the equipment. It's actually in providing scholarships and opportunities for people who maybe didn't have it so so so lucky.
You know, my mother left school when she was 12 to work in a factory and I don't want to ever be part of a society where that has to happen again. So I want to use my knowledge, my money, everything I've learned, to be able to provide scholarships for people to be able to have the opportunities that I had.
Education is thought to provide such huge public benefits in building a society who can debate and can think and can really consider issues going forward. That it's available to all citizens. Here, it's costly I think it's- I personally think it's appalling that we pay so much for education in this country. I don't know the answer because you know I mean, where we find the money to do it, but we have, that's why I'm so committed to building scholarships because I think it's wrong.
It's not a privilege education. It's a right that everyone should have. And I include tertiary education in that. I don't think you have to go to tertiary education. But if you want to and you have the ability to do it that opportunity has to be there for you. It's unjust in Australia and that's why I think societies like Creating Futures, that's exactly what the name says. We have to step in and fill a gap which is here in this country which isn't in other countries.
What is a bequest?
A bequest is a gift left to the University in a person's Will. UTS relies on the generous support of visionary people to help fulfil its educational mission. Bequests are an important part of this support and are of lasting significance to the University.
By remembering UTS in your Will, you can help ensure the University continues to provide opportunities and transformational experiences to generations of students and researchers. Through your legacy, you will always be an important part of UTS. Your support will make it possible for the University to continue making a major contribution to the advancement of learning for the sake of humanity, long into the future.
After you have provided for your family and friends, a gift in your Will is a way to leave a lasting legacy for future generations.
Types of bequest
A bequest may be in the form of money, real estate, stock, shares, artworks or goods.
A bequest may be made for a specific or identified purpose, or it may be unrestricted, allowing the University to allocate your gift to the area of greatest need.
What can I give to?
You can leave a bequest to UTS by donating to a particular faculty or part of the University. Perhaps you studied or worked there, or a loved one did and you want to honour their legacy.
You can choose to help mould someone's life through a scholarship; support high impact research that delivers social impact; inspire a new generation of students through helping UTS to appoint outstanding academics; provide support for disadvantaged students or help build student facilities and infrastructure projects.
A bequest can be made through your Will at any time. You can pledge as little or as much as you like. We recommend you consult with your legal adviser before drafting or updating your Will.
Click here to view examples of bequests wording.
Is my bequest tax deductible?
Yes, providing that your bequest brings no material or tangible benefits to you under the rules specified by the Australian Taxation Office.
I've already made my Will, how can I still make a bequest?
If you have already drafted your Will, you can make an amendment by adding a codicil to include a bequest. We recommend you seek independent professional advice to ensure that your wishes are expressed correctly.
Contact us
UTS welcomes enquiries to discuss options for bequest giving, including ways to honour someone's memory.
Benefactors who decide to make a bequest are encouraged to inform UTS, so you can be recognised early for your foresight and generosity. We would also like to invite you to join Creating Futures, UTS's bequest society.
Further Information
For further information, please contact the Advancement Team via email or on +61 2 9514 9861.