On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Procedure statements | Roles and responsibilities | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References | Appendix 1: Foundation studies courses and their recognition at UTS
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1. Purpose
1.1 The Admissions Procedure supports the implementation of the Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (the policy) for all courses offered by UTS (other than short courses).
2. Scope
2.1 The scope of the policy also applies for this procedure.
3. Principles
3.1 In addition to the principles outlined in the policy, the following principles apply for this procedure:
- If a decision is made that adversely affects another student, the affected party is entitled to an explanation of the decision.
- Staff must not contact other third-party institutions in relation to qualifications of individual UTS applicants, except for verification in writing about an applicant’s qualifications.
4. Procedure statements
4.1 Academic Board has authority for approving admissions requirements and standards for all award courses and non-award study (in line with the policy and the Delegations), including:
- admissions selection algorithms
- English language requirements
- language requirements for courses where subjects or research is undertaken in a language other than English (LOTE)
- minimum ATAR, lowest selection ranks and guaranteed entry ATAR.
4.2 The approved Register of Admissions Selection Criteria is published annually by the University Academic Programs Office (available at Admissions selection criteria (SharePoint)).
Determining intake loads
4.3 Each year, faculty deans or their nominees, in consultation with the Provost, will determine intake loads for each undergraduate award course offered by their faculty.
Domestic current school leavers
4.4 Domestic current school leavers (CSL) apply for Commonwealth supported and fee-paying places via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC). Admission is based on performance in the final years of secondary study, as indicated by an ATAR.
4.5 An interview or personal statement may be included as part of the selection process, with adjustment points added to a student’s ATAR to determine their selection rank. This will be described in the relevant UAC selection algorithm approved annually by Academic Board.
Domestic non-current school leavers
4.6 Applications for admission from domestic non-current school leavers (CSLX) for Commonwealth supported places are normally assessed through UAC on the basis of academic qualifications and additional information on educational and work experience.
4.7 CSLX applicants who have previously completed Year 12 (or equivalent), but have not attempted any further studies, will be considered for admission on the basis of their ATAR.
4.8 CSLX applicants who have completed further studies may have their ATAR adjusted in accordance with the relevant UAC selection algorithm (approved annually by Academic Board).
4.9 CSLX applicants who have not previously completed Year 12 (or equivalent) will be considered for admission on the basis of previous studies completed and/or work experience. A Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) may be required.
4.10 CSLX applicants for certain award courses may be required or offered the option to submit a personal statement, portfolio or questionnaire. Selection for such courses will be made on the basis of academic qualifications and the additional information provided.
International applicants
4.11 International applicants must have appropriate educational qualifications, assessed by UTS International as equivalent to qualifications required by domestic applicants. A personal statement, questionnaire, interviews or portfolio may be included as part of the selection process.
4.12 International applicants who have completed Australian Year 12 studies may apply through UAC on the basis of their ATAR. All other international applicants must apply directly to UTS, and are assessed by UTS International.
4.13 International undergraduate and postgraduate coursework applicants who are covered by an approved articulation arrangement must meet the selection criteria approved by Academic Board as part of the arrangement.
4.14 International postgraduate coursework applicants not covered by an articulation arrangement must meet the selection criteria approved by Academic Board. International undergraduate applicants not covered by an articulation arrangement must achieve an equivalent ATAR not less than the level determined by the Provost, in line with the following principles approved by Academic Board.
- For all faculties (except the Faculty of Science):
- Five points below the minimum ATAR set for the main round offer of the current year, except where: the minus 5 (-5) ATAR results in an ATAR below the UTS matriculation requirement of an ATAR of 69; and/or the international ATAR set in the previous year was more than 5 points below the current year ATAR.
- In the latter, the recommended ATAR will be maintained at the current year level. This latter approach accommodates the practice of some faculties that set multi-year 'base' international ATARs, which are left in place regardless of fluctuations in the ATAR.
- For the Faculty of Science:
- The ATAR for all Bachelor of Advanced Science courses are to be set at 85.
- All courses with an ATAR of 80 or above to be set at 80.
- All courses with an ATAR less than 80 but greater than or equal to 75 to be set at 75.
- All courses with an ATAR below 75 to be held at the same level as the local ATAR.
4.15 An equivalent ATAR is calculated by UTS International using relevant recognised sources such as UAC, Country Education Profiles (CEP), the UK ENIC as appropriate.
4.16 The Provost will approve the minimum ATAR required for international admissions for the following year with reference to the UAC main round cut-offs for domestic admissions for the current year.
4.17 Non-award study abroad and exchange students will be assessed according to the selection criteria approved by Academic Board.
Applying to UTS courses
Bachelors degree
4.18 Applicants will apply for admission to a bachelors degree through one or more of the following means:
- UAC for domestic applicants undertaking an Australian year 12 qualification (or equivalent) before the year of entry
- UAC for international applicants undertaking an Australian year 12 qualification before the year of entry
- direct application to UTS International for all other international applicants
- direct application for domestic applicants for courses with a relevant direct entry scheme
- UTS special admissions schemes (refer statement 4.21)
- direct to UTS International for international applicants coming via a recognised foundation studies program (refer Appendix 1), or
- direct to UTS International for international applicants via other articulation arrangements as approved by UTS from time to time.
Bachelor honours degrees
4.19 Applicants for admission to a one-year full-time (or equivalent) bachelor honours degree (as defined in Schedule 1, Student Rules) (not including awards on the basis of meritorious results in a subject, for example, an award ‘with honours’ or ‘with distinction’) must apply directly to UTS, providing the necessary supporting documentation as determined by the relevant faculty. These applications are assessed by faculties and admissions are coordinated by either the Lifetime Learner Experience Unit (LLEU) for domestic students or UTS International for international students.
Recognition of prior learning
4.20 Applicants are required to provide specified information and meet the processing deadlines set by UTS for recognition of prior learning (RPL) applications. Refer Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure.
Special admissions schemes
4.21 The special admissions schemes listed in table 4.21 are available at UTS as approved and amended by Academic Board in line with the policy. Changes to special admissions schemes must be included in the annual report on admissions standards for approval by Academic Board. Responsible owners must report the schemes, noting any changes to the UAPO by November each calendar year.
Table 4.21: Approved special admissions schemes table
Name | Overview | Responsible owner(s) |
Elite Athletes and Performers | For undergraduate applicants who compete or perform at an elite level and whose sport or performance commitments have impacted on their studies. | ActivateUTS and LLEU |
Humanitarian Scholarship Program | For students with a refugee background to access and succeed in higher education. | CSJI |
inpUTS educational access scheme | For current and non-current school leavers who have experienced educational disadvantage during years 11/12. | UAC |
Jumbunna Pathways Program | For prospective undergraduate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students an opportunity to illustrate their capability for higher education via a testing, assessment and interview process. | Jumbunna |
Schools Recommendation Scheme | An equity stream for students experiencing financial hardship or attending an equity-funded school, and An access stream for students who have not been able to meet potential as a result of educational disruptions. | CSJI |
Specific study area schemes | Allows for student interest or aptitude in a specific study area to be taken into consideration when applying to study at UTS. Including:
| Faculties (reporting via the LLEU) |
U@Uni Academy | A two-year program beginning at the end of Year 10 that introduces students to the UTS experience, with tutoring and additional support to develop skills to succeed at university and beyond. Students who successfully complete the program will be offered a place at UTS. | CSJI |
UTS Early Entry Program | For high-achieving school students, the program allows students to secure a place in their preferred UTS degree based on Year 11 academic achievements with additional faculty adjustments where approved. Includes Early entry program: Edge. | UAC via LLEU |
Year 12 subject scheme | For recent school leavers and awards adjustment points towards a student’s selection rank, based on their performance in selected high school subjects with direct relevance to their chosen course. The selection rank is a combination of ATAR and any applied adjustments. | UAC |
Verification of qualifications
4.22 Students applying through UAC must submit evidence of their qualifications for verification in line with the procedures outlined in the UAC Guide.
4.23 Direct applicants must normally provide to UTS:
- a copy of their transcript
- a copy of their degree/diploma/certificate
- evidence of work experience on official company letterhead (where relevant)
- official translation of any document not in English as required.
4.24 Direct applicant qualifications may be accepted if they are verified according to documentation verification procedures outlined in the UAC Guide.
4.25 Staff must report to their supervisor any admissions application with suspected fraudulent documents, falsified documentation or untrue information. Action may be taken under Rule 5.6.
4.26 Any document submitted with an admissions application should be verified with the organisation who has, or is claimed to have, issued the document.
Additional information for admissions
4.27 Faculties may choose to request portfolios, personal statements, questionnaires and/or interviews as part of the application process, in order to provide additional information to assess suitability and eligibility for some UTS courses. This may result in an adjustment to the ATAR to determine the selection rank as described in the relevant UAC selection algorithm approved annually by Academic Board.
4.28 Criteria for the assessment of these additional information components for coursework courses must be determined by the relevant faculty board, included in the annual selection criteria submission to CAC and approved by Academic Board.
4.29 Criteria for the assessment of these additional information components for graduate research courses must be determined by the relevant faculty board or Graduate Research School Board, submitted to the Higher Degree Research Committee and approved by Academic Board in line with Rule 5.8.2.
4.30 Approved criteria for the assessment of additional information must be available to applicants on request from the relevant faculty.
4.31 While inherent requirements are not considered as part of the admissions processes, staff and students should be aware of all essential course requirements (via the UTS: Handbook) that may impact a student’s ability to progress through or complete a course. UTS will, where possible, make reasonable adjustments to support all students in meeting inherent requirements (refer Accessibility and Inclusion Policy).
Excluded students
4.32 In line with section 10, Student Rules, students may not apply for admission to UTS during a period of exclusion from UTS or any other higher education institution.
4.33 Applicants who have completed a period of exclusion must disclose any details of their exclusion and reapply for admission through the relevant application process outlined in the policy, this procedure and section 5, Student Rules.
4.34 In addition to the provisions outlined in Rule 5.9.3, all applicants who have been previously excluded for unsatisfactory performance from a course of study at UTS or any other higher education institution must, by the approved timeframes:
- meet the admissions requirements of the course they wish to attend, and
- demonstrate, through a written statement, they have an improved likelihood of success upon admission or readmission.
4.35 In addition to the provisions outlined in Rule 5.9.3, all applicants who have been previously excluded for misconduct from a course of study at UTS or any other higher education institution must, by the approved timeframes:
- meet the admissions requirements of the course they wish to attend, and
- outline, through a written statement, why they should be considered for admission or readmission.
4.36 Any applicant who does not disclose details of any period of exclusion will have their application suspended and action may be taken under Rule 5.6.
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 Procedure owner: The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students), in consultation with the Provost, is responsible for approving and enforcing this procedure under the Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, ensuring its statements and principles are observed.
5.2 Procedure contact: The Director, Student Administration and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Partnerships) are responsible for the implementation of this procedure and act as primary points of contact for advice on implementing its provisions.
6. Definitions
These definitions apply for this procedure. These are presented in addition to the definitions outlined in Schedule 1, Student Rules and the Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy. Definitions in the singular include the plural meaning of the word.
Current school leaver (CSL) means a person who will complete or has completed a recognised Australian Year 12 qualification or overseas equivalent in the year immediately preceding admission.
Direct applicants means individuals that are required to apply directly to UTS in line with the policy and procedures, rather than via UAC or another entry means.
Inherent requirement is an essential requirement for the course defined in Schedule 1, Student Rules.
Intake load determines, for each course, the minimum ATAR required (minimum selection rank) for admission of Commonwealth supported and fee-paying students to that course.
Selection rank means the ATAR plus any adjustment factors.
Approval information
Procedure contacts | Director, Student Administration Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Partnerships) |
Approval authority | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) |
Review date | 2022 |
File number | UR19/1201 |
Superseded documents | Admission Procedures (2011) |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) | 11/04/2019 | 16/05/2019 | New procedures. |
1.1 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 19/11/2020 | 24/03/2021 | Amendment to change UTS Insearch to Insearch Limited. |
1.2 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 24/08/2021 | 13/09/2021 | Changes made to reflect name change of Graduate Research School Board to Higher Degree Research Board. |
1.3 | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) | 05/10/2021 | 27/10/2021 | Updates to inherent requirements statements. |
1.4 | Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) | 08/04/2022 | 14/04/2022 | Updates to special admissions scheme table and processes, removing certification requirements and minor changes under Fit for 2027 restructure. |
1.5 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 29/09/2022 | 01/11/2022 | Minor change to reflect articulation arrangement terminology (changed from external articulation). Other minor updates. |
1.6 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 05/04/2023 | 19/04/2023 | Amendments to reflect new position of Director, Student Administration in the Lifetime Learner Experience Unit. |
1.7 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 22/09/2023 | 06/10/2023 | Amendments to reflect name change of Higher Degree Research Board to Higher Degree Research Committee and new Graduate Research School Board. |
Accessibility and Inclusion Policy
Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure
Register of Admissions Selection Criteria (available at Admissions selection criteria (SharePoint))
Register of Admissions Standards (available at Admissions standards (SharePoint))
Appendix 1: Foundation studies courses and their recognition at UTS
The following statements outline the types of foundation studies courses and the manner of their recognition at UTS:
1. The UTS Foundation Studies program offered by Insearch Limited is assessed based on the UAC assessment schedule B1017.
2. Australian foundation programs should be listed in UAC assessment schedules and assessed based on B1010–B1017 for ‘Differentiated Tertiary Preparation Courses based on Full Time Equivalence’ (FTE).
3. All other Australian foundation programs not listed in these assessment schedules (covered in 1 or 2 above) are assessed based on UAC assessment schedules B1110–13 for ‘Undifferentiated Tertiary Preparation Courses based on Full Time Equivalence (FTE)’.
4. An overseas foundation program listed in the UAC Preparatory assessment schedule is assessed based on the relevant UAC schedule.
5. In all other cases, endorsement for recognition of a foundation studies course must be made to CAC by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) following consideration of a due diligence report prepared by UTS International. This due diligence report must be submitted to the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) for consideration by the Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) Network before submission to CAC. CAC’s endorsement is then forwarded to the Provost for approval. In exceptional circumstances, endorsement through executive action may be sought from the Chair, CAC.
6. All foundation programs approved for admission under point 5 (above) must be included in the annual report on Admissions Standards to Academic Board. This must also be captured in the Register of Admissions Standards (available at Admissions standards (SharePoint)) maintained by the University Academic Programs Office (UAPO).