Forensic students at UTS Science have access to a unique Crime Scene Simulation Lab. Set up like a city apartment, the lab provides students with practical experience in crime scene investigations.
[Instrumental music]
[Close up of someone in lab coat scanning pass and opening door, then close up of sign that says Crime Scene Simulation Lab.]
[Forensic student in mock dining room dusts for fingerprints; student in mock lounge room takes a photo of evidence.]
Custom designed virtual city apartment
[Three forensic students sit at bench with three computers examining photos of evidence and discussing findings.]
Training aspiring forensic scientists and crime scene investigators
[Close up of students discussing photos.]
Simulating real-life crimes
[A forensics student measures the length of a suspect’s shoe; close up of a suspect’s shoe with a tape measure next to it]
Break and enter
[The forensic student takes a photo suspect’s shoe in mock break enter crime scene.]
Suspicious circumstance
[Two forensic students in a mock bedroom remove covers from bed where a dummy body lays.]
Everyday settings where crimes typically occur
[Two forensic students in mock crime scene in dining room dust a glass for finger prints and use a blue light to examine evidence.]
Teaching fingerprint detection
[Close up of student dusting dining room table for finger prints.]
[Student rolls out yellow crime scene tape over mock bathroom crime scene while another student uses a blue light to look for evidence.]
Detecting blood hidden in crime scenes
[Second student joins one in bathroom as blue light shows mock blood in crime scene.]
[Close up to student in bedroom scene collecting evidence]
[Two students in mock study crime scene with dummy body look for evidence]
Working collaboratively
[Close up of waste bin where student finds gun and places into evidence bag.]
[Second student uses magnifying glass and takes notes.]
Developing new detection methods
[Kitchen shows mock drug lab where two students take photos and collecting evidence]
New human identification techniques
[Close up of student taking a swab of substance in glass container]
World leading forensics education
[Close up of student in mock bedroom looking at brochures and cards left on floor]
16 October 2015 01:17
Tags: forensics, forensic science, crime scene investigation, crime scene simulation
Forensic students at UTS Science have access to a unique Crime Scene Simulation Lab. Set up like a city apartment, the lab provides students with practical experience in crime scene investigations.
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