Nanophotonics Laboratory

Customized confocal microscopy
Micro-PL setup
Nonlinear setup with femtosecond laser
Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) setup
Polarization resolved PL setup
Back-focal imaging setup, NSOM
Electron Bean Chemistry

Sirion FEG ESEM for investigations of beam induced chemical reactions in
the presence of various gaseous precursor, such as O2, N2, H2, NF3, NH3
LaB6 SEM for investigation of deposition from organometallic precursors
XL30 SEM for SE Yield measurements
DB235 Dual Beam Microscope for beam chem investigations and CL measurements
Advanced Nanofabrication Facilities

Helios Plasma FIB with exchangable plasma source (O2, N2, Ar, Xe)
Zeiss Supra 55 with a Raith EBL System for advanced nanofab
Intlvac Ion Beam Etcher
The intlvac Ion Beam etcher, located in the UTS Physics Clean room,
utilises accelerated ionised gases to physically and chemically etch
materials, generating smooth etches and nanoarchitectures per the
users designs. This etching system is complemented with a SIMS probe,
capable of end point detection for multi layer etches. This unit is
capable of generating a plasma with argon, oxygen and/or SF6, giving
a range of physical and chemical etch mechanics.
Seki Diamond CVD
The SEKI diamond CVD, located in the Vacuum lab facility, utilises a microwave plasma to assist the chemical vapour deposition of diamond, This growth of diamond can be doped to incorporate optically active colourcentres, such as the group IV colourcentres. The SEKI operates by initially generating a dense hydrogen plasma, which can also be employed to hydrogen terminate samples without deposition of diamond. This capability can therefore be used to activate a range of materials in pursuit of a range of project roles, both diamond and surface termination focused.
DB235 Delmic spark CL
The Delmic SECOM CLEM platform is located in the Microstructural analysis unit at UTS. It integrates an optical fluorescence microscope into a SEM using a below sample objective lens with external light sources. This allows the collection of spectral information from an electron beam stimulated source. This capability is a unique tool for characterisation of optically active materials and photonic structures. For further information, please see:
Tube furnaces for annealing and growth
Two tube furnaces are available at UTS optohub, The Labec 1500, and the STF1200, both found in the Vacuum lab facilities. The labec 1500 is a ceramic furnace, capable of achieving temperatures up to 1500 degrees, above what is generally achievable by quartz based furnaces, allowing for annealing and CVD at higher temperatures over sustained periods in vacuum controlled environments. The STF 1200 is a purpose built Tube furnace setup for the generation of optically active hBN samples. Samples of this product are available, however this tube furnace is reserved for hBN growth exclusively.
Samples available upon request.