UTS Science values its relationships with schools, associations and the broader community.

At UTS Science, we're proud of the research and teaching our scientists and mathematicians are engaged in, and we’re excited to share these developments with you.
Outreach programs
We engage with schools and the community through our innovative outreach programs designed for students and the wider community. We offer opportunities for science, mathematics and technology engagements through hands-on workshops for high school students, campus visits to UTS, work experience and public lectures.
Galuwa Experience
Galuwa means ‘to climb’ in Gadigal language and that’s exactly what we want Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students to do at UTS. The Galuwa Experience is a fantastic chance for young Indigenous high school students to discover the opportunities a degree at UTS can provide.
We visit your school
Hear about UTS Science courses, pathways to uni, scholarships and career opportunities.
UTS Science students and staff can come to your school to talk about our courses and what it's like to study science at UTS. We can provide details about subjects such Forensics, Physics, Physiology, Chemistry, Microbiology, Environmental, Innovation, Mathematics and Statistics. We also attend some career fairs.
UTS campus tours
Sign up to be taken on a 45-minute tour of the UTS city campus and the state-of-the-art facilities we have to offer.
For campus tours for international groups, please contact internationalrelations@uts.edu.au
U@Uni outreach program
The Faculty of Science participates in the U@Uni outreach program , working with partner schools primarily in South West Sydney. This program values and seeks to increase the diversity in tertiary education by inspiring and enabling high school students from low socio-economic and/or Indigenous backgrounds to attend university.
Students participate in on-campus and school-based experiences that demystify university, increase their skills for the HSC and further education, and build their understanding of post high-school options.
Visit UTS Science
High school groups can take a tour of our Science facilities, enjoy a spotlight talk from a researcher or student or participate in a hands-on workshop with us. We offer workshops for Years 9-12 students in Chemistry, Forensics, Innovation, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics and Physiology.
Please note: Campus visits are often limited to the university's non-teaching weeks. Please check UTS Academic Year Dates.