The Materials Suite in Chemical Technologies provides support for characterisation of physical samples. Characterisation of samples are usually performed on instruments currently residing in the Materials Suite of Chemical Technologies.
Thermogravimetric Analyser TA Instruments SDT 2960 (TG-DTA)
Thermogravimetric analysis determines the changes in weight in relation to a temperature program within a controlled atmosphere. It relies on weight, temperature and temperature change to provide a weight loss curve.
- Phase and reaction analysis through decomposition
- Phase and reaction kinetics through isothermal and non isothermal time resolved analysis
- Oxidation induction times
- Stability and Lifetime analysis
Thermomechanical Analyser TA Instruments TMA 2930 (TMA)
Thermomechanical analysis measures the change of dimension or mechanical property of a sample while it is subjected to a temperature program. The temperature program may involve heating or cooling at a rate that may be linear, uncontrolled, or maintaining a constant increase in temperature.
- Thermal expansion coefficients of monolithic specimens, films and fibres
- Glass transition temperatures
Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC)
Differential Scanning Calorimetry is a technique to determine the amount of heat that is required to increase the temperature of a sample. A sample and a reference is maintained at nearly the same temperature throughout the experiment.
- Phase and reaction analysis for materials with phase transitions
- Kinetic analysis of phase transformation and reaction rates through isothermal, non-isothermal or controlled rate methods
- Modulated DSC for the analysis of non-reversing metastable phase morphologies
- Oxidation induction times
- Stability and Lifetime analysis
The SETARAM instrument is a combination of both the TGA and a DSC.
- Phase and reaction analysis through decomposition
- Phase and reaction kinetics through isothermal, non-isothermal time resolved analysis
- Phase decomposition mechanisms using evolved gas analysis
- Oxidation induction times
- Stability and Lifetime analysis