Meet the faculty executive
The Faculty of Law is led by the Dean, Professor Anita Stuhmcke. The Dean is supported by the:
Associate Dean Education (ADE), Tracey Booth
The ADE is responsible for all learning and teaching matters related to the Faculty’s undergraduate and postgraduate coursework awards and subjects, as well as short courses. The following management positions support the ADE:
- Director of Students (Law), Maria Abertos, is responsible for coordinating and facilitating coursework student administrative matters
- Director of Academic Programs, Evana Wright, is responsible for development of new coursework programs and the development and review of quality assurance strategies designed to enhance and optimise teaching and learning outcomes
Associate Dean Research (ADR), Shaunnagh Dorsett
The ADR is responsible for oversight of the Faculty’s research output and Higher by Degree Research (HDR) program. The Director of HDR, Jessie Hohmann, manages the Faculty HDR courses and candidates.
Associate Dean Indigenous Leadership & Engagement (ADILE), Marcelle Burns
The ADILE has accountability to lead development, implementation and monitoring of the Faculty's Indigenous education, research and employment strategy with a view to maximising Faculty Indigenous strategic engagement and success.
Associate Dean for Internationalisation (ADI), Grace Li
The ADI is responsible for oversight of the Faculty’s internationalisation development, which includes inbound international enrolment program, outbound international mobility program, faculty’s global partnership network as well as selected international short course program.
- The Mobility Coordinator, Renata Grossi, is responsible for coordinating and facilitating all outbound mobility programs including faculty’s exchange program, study abroad program as well as all outbound international short programs.
- The Internship Coordinator, Beth Goldblatt, is responsible for all matters related to faculty’s global internship program.
Associate Dean of Academic Staff (ADAS), Isabel Karpin
The ADAS is responsible for oversight of academic staffing matters, including recruitment, performance and promotion of continuing academic staff, as well as supervision of adjuncts and casual staff. The following management positions support the ADAS:
- Staff Supervisors
Faculty General Manager (FGM), Veronica Lauria
The FGM is responsible for Faculty administration, and leads the Faculty’s professional staff team.
The Faculty Board in Law (FBL) has responsibility to assess the quality of, and provide direction to, the academic work of the Faculty including teaching, learning, scholarship, research and research training and constitutes a primary decision-making forum in the Faculty for the discussion and resolution of academic matters. Faculty Board is University-mandated on the basis of ‘Division 3 — Functions and powers of Academic Board’ in ‘Section G3 - Rules relating to Academic Board, Faculty Boards and Elections’ of the UTS General Rules. The ‘Standing Orders for Faculty Boards’ outlines the duties & powers, composition etc. The Faculty Research Committee and Faculty Courses Committee are sub-committees of the FBL.